This list will be updated periodically.
For questions about each listing, please contact the respective program.
Harvard Legal Aid Bureau
The Harvard Legal Aid Bureau hires approximately 15 law students to serve as Summer Legal Interns. Summer Legal Interns will be the primary case handlers on approximately 10-15 cases at a time in the areas of housing, family, government benefits, wage and hour litigation, and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS).
Legal Services Center
The Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School seeks law students to serve as interns this coming summer. Our summer program runs from Monday, May 21st – Friday, July 27th, 2018. (Note: on a case-by-case basis, we will also consider split-summers and summer schedules that begin before May 21st and/or end after July 27th).
Located at the crossroads of Jamaica Plain and Roxbury, the Legal Services Center is Harvard Law School’s largest clinical placement, housing multiple clinics and providing direct legal services to hundreds of low-and-moderate income residents in the Greater Boston area each year. Our longstanding mission is to educate law students for practice and professional service while simultaneously meeting the critical legal needs of the community.
Criminal Justice Institute
Application Deadline: April 27, 2018
Law clerks can expect to perform legal research, draft motions, interview clients and witnesses, perform field investigation, assist CJI clinical instructors with every aspect of the case, attend court proceedings and perform a wide range of research and case preparation duties. CJI is an excellent place for a clerkship as you will be matched with a seasoned clinical instructor, and you will gain valuable experience researching, investigating, drafting motions, and interviewing witnesses.
Filed in: Clinical Announcements
Contact Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs