HIRC Assistant Director Sabi Ardalan and Sophie Glickstein HLS ’15
celebrate during Commencement Day.
Via the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program
With the upcoming Bar examination, we wanted to shed light on what some of our graduates have been up to since graduation. Since graduating in May, our alumni are off to start some exciting adventures. From fellowships, to clerkships, Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical program (HIRC) and Harvard Immigration Project (HIP) graduates are taking on the legal world one step at a time. We wanted to wish our graduates good luck as they take the Bar and give you a brief snapshot of what some of our graduates will be doing next:
Scott Hochberg- Scott will be starting an immigrant workers’ rights practice at Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto on a two year Skadden Fellowship. His focus will include wage theft, discrimination, and other problems faced by immigrant workers in Silicon Valley.
Antonia Olivia Domingo- Antonia will be working as a staff attorney for the United Steelworkers in Pittsburgh.
Sima Atri- Sima will be heading to the New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice on a two-year Equal Justice Works fellowship. While there, she will support local efforts to improve low wage workers’ and immigrant rights.
Continue reading the full story here.
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