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From the legal framework of ancient Athens and the legally rich traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, to the long development of the English common law and the genesis of the U.S. Constitution, to the ensuing and enduring struggle for civil rights, the ways that different peoples have ordered their societies over the course of human history continue to influence modern legal theory and practice. Harvard Law School students enjoy unparalleled opportunities to study the historical evolution of law as contextualized within a larger world of social movements and political, cultural, and economic change.

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Advanced Topics in Jewish Law: States of Consciousness in Jewish Law Fall 2024 Reading Group Noah Feldman
American Legal History: Law, Economy, and Society in the Era of the American Revolution Spring 2025 Seminar Bruce Mann
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Classical Liberalism and the Rule of Law Spring 2025 Seminar Raymond M. Kethledge
Comparative Abolitions (Slavery, Capital Punishment, Prison, Police) Fall 2024 Seminar Carol Steiker
Comparative Law: Why Law? The Experience of China Spring 2025 Course William Alford
Constitutional History I: From the Founding to the Civil War Spring 2025 Course Michael Klarman
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