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The Kingdom of Bhutan is adopting its first constitution. Will it raise the GNH (gross national happiness)?
Glenn Fine ’85

The Constitution’s Ombudsman

At the Department of Justice, being the inspector general can be a very lonely job.
Laurence Tribe

Vox Populi

For students in Harvard Law School's Supreme Court litigation clinic, helping Laurence Tribe get ready for a constitutional argument is like being in the eye of a storm.

Lawyers, Guns and Money

Finally, the Supreme Court may have to decide what the Second Amendment means. But how much will really change?
Inside HLS
  • Professor Randall Kennedy

    The Purity of the Strain

    Since presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama ’91 launched his campaign earlier this year, some have questioned whether Americans are ready to elect a black president.

  • Diplomat Rising

    Last fall, when most new LL.M. students were just settling into their studies in Langdell Hall, Sajjad Khoshroo ’07 found himself on the other side of Harvard Square—and in the middle of a political demonstration. As Mohammad Khatami’s personal assistant and interpreter, he accompanied the former president of Iran to a conference at the John F. Kennedy School of Government.

  • A Free Town Captured

    How should societies deal with the aftermath of cataclysmic war and mass atrocities? It’s a question documentary filmmaker Rebecca Richman Cohen ’07 has asked former Nuremberg prosecutors.

  • Corollaries, Legal and Otherwise: Viewing the First Amendment in a philosophical context

    After taking Professor Martha Nussbaum’s spring class Religion and the First Amendment, students are certainly familiar with the Supreme Court rulings on the public display of the Ten Commandments. But they can also quote Locke, Rousseau and Rawls.

  • Hearsay: Short takes from faculty op-eds on business and finance

    “The Compensation Game” Professor Lucian Bebchuk LL.M. ’80 S.J.D. ’84 and Rakesh Khurana, professor at Harvard Business School Forbes India April 8, 2013 “Reports about the high pay of star athletes are often greeted with awe and approval rather than outrage. The rise of executive pay, its defenders claim, is no more problematic than the fact that, say, Red Sox slugger Manny Ramirez is paid much more than earlier stars like Ted Williams.

  • Windfalls Realized: Two giants of tax law retire

    How do we put a value on our (intellectual) capital gains? Or calculate the windfalls (to our minds) that have accrued from our original basis—in this case, from the date that William Andrews ’55 joined the Harvard Law School faculty in fiscal year 1961 and the moment, a few reporting periods later, when Bernard Wolfman arrived in 1976? We can’t—a perfect example of immeasurable, and invaluable, gains.

Writ Large: Faculty Books
  • Boardwalk, Park Place—and The Hague

    Headlines on any given day underscore the increasing globalization of antitrust law and economics—for example, “Apple iTunes charged by EC with restrictive pricing practices.”

Alumni Notes and Newsmakers
  • Who Said It?

    A quiz, courtesy of the Potter Stewart, of famous quotations.

  • A River Runs Through It

    When Tony Rossmann ’71 started his own law practice in Sacramento, Calif., in 1976, he never expected he would help bring about one of the largest river restoration projects in the West.

  • Top Dog for the Underdog

    If the world of consumer rights law is a battle against modern-day Goliaths—banks, HMOs, mortgage brokers, credit card companies and others with powerful resources—then F. Paul Bland Jr. ’86 is more than ready to play David.

  • First to Arrive

    Perched on the 21st floor of an office building next to the Statehouse on Boston’s Beacon Hill, Juliette Kayyem ’95 has a spectacular view of the city’s waterfront. But when you’re the person in charge of Massachusetts’ homeland security, that view prompts vigilance more than anything else.

200 tons, 175 yards, 5 hours

One year of planning came down to five hours of drama on June 23, 2007, when three Victorian-era buildings on the Harvard Law School campus were relocated 175 yards up Massachusetts Avenue to make way for the Northwest Corner development, a major new academic complex slated for completion in 2011. A section of an HLS dormitory at the destination on Mass. Ave. was demolished to make space for the houses. Traffic was diverted, and street signs, parking meters and traffic signals were removed. Pictured below: The heaviest of the three buildings, weighing more than 200 tons, was moved by 16 hydraulic dollies, at walking speed.