Faculty Scholarship
Freeman and Lazarus: A rebuttal to Tribe’s reply
March 21, 2015
Our colleague Larry Tribe’s response to our initial posting serves as a reminder of why he is widely celebrated as one of the nation’s most…
Vermeule co-editor of new online review of books
March 20, 2015
Harvard Law School Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 is the co-editor of a new online review of books, The New Rambler. Co-edited by Vermeule, Stanford University Professor Blakey Vermeule and University of Chicago Law Professor Eric Posner, The New Rambler publishes reviews of books about ideas, including literary fiction.
Tribe: Why EPA’s Climate Plan Is Unconstitutional
March 20, 2015
When my friends Jody Freeman and Richard Lazarus defend the legality of the EPA’s power plant rule by saying that no one would take the…
Noted constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe ’66, Carl M. Loeb University Professor, has made headlines with his Congressional testimony that the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan is unconstitutional. Professors Jody Freeman LL.M. '91 S.J.D. '95 and Richard Lazarus '79--two leading Harvard Law professors with expertise in environmental law, administrative law, and Supreme Court environmental litigation--take an opposing view.
Experts debate the constitutionality of the president’s climate change plan Noted constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe ’66 has made headlines with his Congressional testimony that…
Heard on the Hill: Tribe on Clean Power Plan; Shay on international tax system; and Desai and Fogg on tax complexity
March 16, 2015
On Tuesday, March 17, two professors from Harvard Law School, Laurence Tribe ’66 and Stephen Shay, will testify before Senate committees. Last week, Harvard Law School Professor Mihir Desai and Visiting Clinical Professor T. Keith Fogg testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance.
Focus on food: Twenty-two faculty deliver lightning lectures on research, realities involving what we eat
March 10, 2015
The Food+ Research Symposium, which was hosted by the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, the Harvard Kennedy School Sustainable Science Program, and the Harvard Center for the Environment, brought together 22 faculty speakers from eight Schools last Friday to deliver seven-minute presentations on the nexus of food, agriculture, environment, health, and society.
The numbers paint a telling picture. In the United States of the 1950s there were between 3 million and 4 million annual cases of measles,…
Roberto Mangabeira Unger LL.M. ’70 S.J.D. ’76, the Roscoe Pound Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, has been appointed the Minister of Strategic Affairs in Brazil by the country’s president, Dilma Rousseff.
A different kind of drug research: Heymann, Falco on lessons learned from the U.S. ‘war on drugs’
February 23, 2015
HLS Prof. Philip Heymann joined an array of experts at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study for a two-day seminar to explore lessons learned from the U.S. 'war on drugs' and how to use that knowledge to develop better public policies.
NY Times: Lani Guinier redefines diversity, re-evaluates merit
February 18, 2015
In a recent Q&A in the New York Times, Harvard Law School Professor Lani Guinier discusses her new book, "The Tyranny of the Majority: Fundamental Fairness in Representative Democracy" in which she argues for a rethinking of merit, typically measured by standardized test scores, that would better reflect the values of a democratic society.
Gertner to receive First Amendment award
February 18, 2015
Harvard Law School Senior Lecturer on Law and retired federal judge Nancy Gertner will receive the New England First Amendment Coalition's 2015 Stephen Hamblett Award, named after the late publisher of The Providence Journal and given each year to an individual who has promoted, defended or advocated for the First Amendment.
Lecturer Emily Broad Leib awarded Climate Change Solutions Fund grant
February 11, 2015
Lecturer on Law Emily Broad Leib, the director of Harvard Law School’s Food Law and Policy Clinic, was awarded a research grant in the inaugural year of Harvard President Drew Faust’s Climate Change Solutions Fund. Broad Leib's project, "Reducing Food Waste as a Key to Addressing Climate Change," was one of seven chosen to confront the challenge of climate change using the levers of law, policy, and economics, as well as public health and science.
Death penalty, in retreat: Interview with Professor Carol Steiker
February 3, 2015
HLS Professor Carol Steiker is using her year as the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study’s Rita E. Hauser Fellow to work with her brother and frequent collaborator, Jordan M. Steiker, on a book about the past half-century’s experiment with the constitutional regulation of capital punishment in America. She recently spoke with the Harvard Gazette about the history and future of the death penalty in the United States.
Susan Crawford appointed clinical professor of law at Harvard Law
February 3, 2015
Susan Crawford has been appointed clinical professor of law at Harvard Law School. She had been the John A. Reilly Visiting Professor in Intellectual…
Thirteen Harvard Law School faculty listed among SSRN’s 100 most-cited law school professors
January 29, 2015
Statistics released by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) indicate that, as of the end of 2014, Harvard Law School faculty members featured prominently on SSRN’s list of the 100 most-cited law professors.
Allen Ferrell, the Harvey Greenfield Professor of Securities Law at Harvard Law School, has been awarded the 2014 Moskowitz Prize. The prestigious annual award from the University of California, Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, recognizes outstanding quantitative research in socially responsible investing.
Harvard Magazine: The Legal Olympian
December 18, 2014
Cass Sunstein ’78, has been regarded as one of the country’s most influential and adventurous legal scholars for a generation. At 60, now Walmsley University Professor at Harvard, he publishes significant books as often as many productive academics publish scholarly articles—three of them last year.
Reflections on the Digital World: Internet Monitor releases 2014 report
December 17, 2014
Internet Monitor, a research project based at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet and Society, recently published the project's second annual report, "Internet Monitor 2014: Reflections on the Digital World," a collection of roughly three dozen short contributions that highlight and discuss some of the most compelling events and trends in the digitally networked environment over the past year.
In chair lecture, Feldman examines Madison, Frankfurter and the meaning of the Constitution (video)
December 2, 2014
On November 12, Harvard Law School professor Noah Feldman delivered a talk, “James Madison and Felix Frankfurter: Friends, Enemies, and the Meaning of the Constitution,” on the occasion of his appointment as the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law.
On Nov. 21, Harvard Law School Professor Laurence Tribe '66 participated in a panel discussion of his latest book, “Uncertain Justice: The Roberts Court and the Constitution,” with Dean Martha Minow and Professor Richard Lazarus.