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Students wearing suits standing in a group. They are not speaking to each other and appear to be waiting for something.
Credit: Martha Stewart



  • Hotshot Legal uses short videos to teach a range of legal and business topics. The videos provide simple explanations of complex concepts. Topics include Accounting & Finance, M&A Basics, Excel & Data Analysis, and Venture Financing, and new content is continually added.
  • Prepare to Practice program by LexisNexis. This tutorial is design to help students master some of the practical skills you need to arrive practice ready on day one.
  • Developing the Professional Lawyer – Student Tip Videos. Created by the National Association for Law Placement, these interactive e-learning modules are a simple way to help you focus on some of the core elements of professionalism.

Podcasts and Videos

Managing the First Years of Your CareerVideo
Summer Success in a Remote SettingVideo
How a Law Firm is Run and Why it Matters to You
Julie Jones, Chair of Ropes and Gray
How a Law Firm is Run and Why it Matters to you
Kevyn Orr, Partner-in-Charge Washington, Jones Day

Updates from Hire Ground

  • Having an Issue on the Job? Big or Small, Call Us!

    Having an issue on the job this summer? Worried you did something wrong or that something is not quite right? Don’t ignore it!! You need to nip small issues or concerns about your job in the bud before they blossom into large problems that are much harder to fix. We can help you figure out

    June 27, 2024

  • Preview Interview Scheduling

    Reminder: employers have been asked to schedule interviews around your work schedules. If you are asked to interview during times you have work commitments, you are encouraged to let the firm know that and seek alternate interview times. While you want to be as flexible as possible in scheduling, your 1L summer job should be

    June 25, 2024

  • Check Your Voicemail and Spam Folder

    As firms start outreach to students about Preview interviews, make sure your voicemail is set up and professional and that you are checking it frequently. Also be sure to check your spam folder to ensure you do not miss messages from employers. 

    June 20, 2024

  • Check Your Voicemail

    Before employers start reaching out to students about Preview interviews, make sure your voicemail is set up and that the message is professional.

    June 18, 2024

  • Dealing with Deadlines

    Missing deadlines is always unacceptable and could jeopardize your ability to secure an offer with your firm. Stay on top of all of your deadlines so that you are able to turn in every project that has been assigned to you. If you are having difficulties, remember that OCS advisers are available throughout the summer

    June 13, 2024