Via Legal Services Center

LSC Volunteers at Stand Down 2016

LSC volunteers (L-R): Toby Merrill, Lisa Bernt, Audrey Patten, Victoria Roytenberg, Dana Montalto, Betsy Gwin, Ginger Jackson-Gleich, Dan Nagin, Caleb Smith, Julia Taylor, Michael Adame

On Friday, Sept. 30th, attorneys, staff, students and volunteers from LSC attended the 2016 Greater Boston Stand Down.  Held annually, Stand Down is a one-day event during which homeless and at-risk veterans can connect with a wide range of local service providers.  The event was held in Dorchester in the parking lot of the IBEW Local 103, with service providers meeting with veterans in tents set up by the National Guard.

LSC met with over 40 veterans during the event.  We provided advice on more than 60 different legal issues, ranging from tax to veterans benefits to student loans to housing.  In addition to providing advice, LSC also provided further referrals and, in a few cases, offered ongoing representation.

LSC is proud to continue to be a part of Stand Down and looks forward to volunteering again next year.

Filed in: Clinical Spotlight

Tags: Legal Services Center

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