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How to Add a Course in HELIOS

This is the third of four instructional videos on viewing and making changes to registration results in HELIOS. To turn on subtitles on the video

How to Drop a Course in HELIOS

This is the second of four instructional videos on viewing and making changes to registration results in HELIOS. To turn on subtitles on the video

Course Selection Q&A Session

Course Selection Q&A held on July 28, 2020. To turn on subtitles on the video below, click the “cc” icon on the bottom right of

New Podcast Alert!

Happy almost-August! I’m thrilled to announce the launch of a new podcast, in collaboration with the Yale Law School admissions team. YLS admissions dean Miriam Ingber and I have teamed up to co-host Navigating Law School Admissions with Miriam & Kristi.

Our Thoughts on the Summer

We often view the summer as a period of preparation for new opportunities. Folks across the world are wrapping up their high school, college, and graduate studies to embrace the next phase of their lives. Some are in their final season of professional work before returning…

Tip from Students - Getting Started

The standard of spoken English varies widely among LL.M.s. Most LL.M.s come from non-English speaking countries, so they will be very accepting of your English…