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Public Service

  • The Loyalist

    April 24, 2003

    With devotion to the president and the office, Alberto Gonzales '82 tackles the complications and controversies of the White House counsel's job.

  • Wes Williams with his family

    Day For Knight

    April 24, 2003

    Years ago, when Wes Williams' children attended their first knighting ceremony, they asked, "Is there going to be a beheading?"

  • City Councilman Julian Castro

    Their Politics Is Local

    September 24, 2002

    While many young people disdain the political process, some recent HLS alumni seek elective office to help their communities

  • Patricia Schroeder '64

    Patricia S. Schroeder ’64

    September 24, 2002

    Known for her tart tongue and her tears (when she announced that she wouldn't run for president in 1988), Patricia Schroeder knew how to get things done in Congress, including the passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act.

  • Michael Dukakis

    Michael S. Dukakis

    September 24, 2002

    When he was an HLS student, Michael Dukakis ran for his first office and was elected a member of the Brookline, Mass., Town Meeting.

  • The Stuff That Elections Are Made Of

    September 1, 2002

    HLS students fill envelopes for Thomas J. O'Connor Jr., a Democratic candidate for U.S. senator from Massachusetts in 1960. Though O'Connor lost, student Democrats got to cheer some winners that year--including Senator John F. Kennedy, who spoke via telephone to an overflow crowd in Sanders Theatre during his campaign for president, according to the HLS yearbook.

  • Jim Haynes

    For the Defense

    September 1, 2002

    War has a way of finding Jim Haynes '83. Just six months after President George Bush appointed him general counsel of the Army in 1990, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, sparking the Persian Gulf War.

  • Karen Ferguson

    Pension Plans

    September 1, 2002

    Years before Enron's collapse spotlighted the vulnerability of employee retirement savings, Karen Ferguson '65 was immersed in what she half-jokingly refers to as the "arcane" area of pension law.

  • Family with children

    A Place of One’s Own

    September 1, 2002

    Roy Prosterman '58 wants people in the poorest countries to own property. Think of it, he says, as an insurance policy for the planet.

  • At Your Service

    July 1, 2002

    Nicole De Sario '03 clears tables after lunch at the CASPAR Emergency Center for the homeless in Cambridge, as part of Harvard Law School's inaugural Springfest Volunteer Service Day on April 20. About 300 students took part in the event, which also included work at the Charles River Earth Day Cleanup, Habitat for Humanity, and the Greater Boston Food Bank.

  • Joy Covey ’89

    A Conversation with Joy Covey

    July 1, 2002

    Joy Covey '89, a graduate of the J.D./M.B.A. program, recently wrapped up four years at, where she worked as the chief financial officer and strategist for the online retail giant.

  • Tony Sutin '84

    To the Mountaintop

    July 1, 2002

    Not everyone would trade a top job at the Department of Justice to teach at a brand-new law school nestled deep in the Appalachian Mountains.

  • School to Institute Pro Bono Requirement

    July 1, 2002

    First-year students entering HLS in the fall of 2002 will be the first required to meet the pro bono service standards of the law school's Strategic Plan.

  • Ed Norton and wife with mountain backdrop

    A Common Good

    April 1, 2002

    Cynics call them do-gooders, hopelessly naïve people disconnected from the real world. These days, the cynical view could easily prevail.

  • Gary Bellow portrait

    Students Establish Public Service Award

    April 1, 2002

    In memory of an HLS professor known as a champion of public interest law, HLS students have created the Gary Bellow Public Service Award. Bellow '60, who founded the School's Clinical Program, died in April 2000.

  • The Voters’ Advocate

    July 1, 2001

    Scott Harshbarger '68, the president of Common Cause, is charged with reinvigorating the venerable watchdog organization.

  • Claude Pepper on 33 cent stamp

    A Stamp of Honor

    April 27, 2001

    It didn’t take long for the U.S. Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee to deliver Claude Pepper ’24 to the top of its list. His nearly 50…

  • Heyman Fellows Honored at Inaugural Dinner

    April 27, 2001

    The first group of 27 Heyman Fellows was recognized at an inaugural dinner of the Harvard Law School Program on Government Service held in Washington,…

  • Auction 2000 Breaks Fund-raising Record

    July 18, 2000

    As the crowd cheers him on, Kyle Cauthron '02 (center) vies for a fly-fishing trip to Montana, one of the most coveted items up for bid at this year's public interest auction.

  • Three faculty remembered

    July 18, 2000

    Professors Gary Bellow, Abram Chayes, and James Vorenberg Harvard Law School lost three of its great citizens during one week in April. Though we mourn their loss, we also…

  • Taipei’s High-Profile Mayor

    April 25, 2000

    The new leader of Taiwan's capital city, Ma Ying-jeou S.J.D '81 has already tackled a controversy over prostitutes' licenses and overseen disaster relief following an earthquake. Now he's busy working on public safety and creating "an Internet city."