Public Policy
Is democracy in peril?
September 23, 2021
The state of American democracy will be examined in a lecture series, "Democracy," which had its first session this week and will continue through the fall and spring.
‘We have to spend more time on the inequalities that are embedded in the law itself’
September 21, 2021
September 2021 saw the publication of the inaugural issue of The American Journal of Law and Equality, a project developed by Professors Martha Minow, Randall Kennedy, and Cass Sunstein, in collaboration with MIT Press.
Harvard Law School clinics redouble efforts to assist after eviction moratorium’s end
September 10, 2021
As many people are left wondering what will happen with the end of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s pandemic-related moratorium on evictions, Harvard Law School clinics and programs have reaffirmed their commitment to helping individuals and families navigate the housing system and their legal options.
Student journal launches online venture
September 1, 2021
For the first time in its history, the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy has added an online component: JLPP Per Curiam.
Project on Predatory Student Lending commemorates five years fighting the for-profit college industry
August 12, 2021
Since 2016, the Project on Predatory Student Lending has represented more than a one million borrowers and brought about the cancellation of over $2.5 billion in fraudulent debts.
Going public
July 7, 2021
Harvard Law School students are working to create a Massachusetts public bank to help minority-owned businesses, small farms, and gateway cities.
Andrew Manuel Crespo ’08 and Premal Dharia, leaders of the ambitious new Institute to End Mass Incarceration, take aim at ‘one of the defining civil rights issues of our time.’
‘We’re on a collision course with sanity’
June 22, 2021
Harvard University Professor and former Harvard Law School dean Martha Minow argues for a new Fairness Doctrine and other reforms in a National Constitution Center panel on free speech and media.
Justice for all
June 9, 2021
A Harvard Law School clinic works to overturn a federal policy in D.C. that advocates say leads to racial injustice and contributes to mass incarceration.
Nora McDonnell ’21 is the inaugural winner of the Kristin P. Muniz Memorial Award.
The winner of Harvard Law School's inaugural Gants Access to Justice Award is Dennis Ojogho ’21.
Health law has become especially timely in this year of COVID-19 vaccines and revitalized Obamacare. But for graduating student Phebe Hong ’21, it’s a passion that began in high school.
Tax Day is here
May 12, 2021
Keith Fogg, clinical professor at Harvard Law School, and his students in the Federal Tax Clinic, answered questions about some common issues taxpayers are facing this pandemic year, helping low-income taxpayers, and President Biden’s proposed tax code changes.
A brilliant second act
May 11, 2021
Zachary Weinstein ’21 didn’t always want to be a lawyer. In fact, for most of his life, he was more likely to be found in front of a camera than in front of a judge.
If all the world’s a stage, Frankie Troncoso ’21 has an outsized role to play.
Harvard Law Today asked Professor Benjamin Sachs to tell us if the Biden administration is keeping its promises on labor and employment, how it’s doing — and what problems it may encounter down the road.
Election Law Clinic launches at Harvard Law School
April 7, 2021
Harvard Law School has announced the launch the new Election Law Clinic, which will give students the opportunity to work on a broad range of cutting-edge issues in areas such as redistricting, voting rights, campaign finance, and party regulation.
COVID and the law: What have we learned?
March 17, 2021
The effect of COVID-19 on the law has been transformative and wide-ranging, but as a Harvard Law School panel pointed out on the one-year anniversary of campus shutdown, the changes haven’t all been for the worse.
Banking on crime: The economic contours of policing in America
February 18, 2021
Experts discuss the myriad ways money and wealth influence criminal processes and outcomes as part of the yearlong "Policing in America" colloquium series, led by Harvard Law Professors Alexandra Natapoff and Andrew Manuel Crespo.
Should smokers be prioritized for COVID vaccine?
February 2, 2021
Should smoking be among the pre-existing health risks that qualify people for priority access to the COVID-19 vaccine? Harvard Law public health expert Carmel Shachar says the answer is yes.
Food Law and Policy Clinic releases report evaluating Farmers to Families Food Box Program
February 2, 2021
In their new report, An Evaluation of the Farmers to Families Food Box Program, Harvard's Food Law and Policy Clinic and the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition highlight opportunities to make the program more equitable and effective amid the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.