With so many things to do and see as a Harvard Law School student — including countless courses, student organizations and affinity groups, clinics and experiential learning opportunities, and a vibrant off-campus community — the toughest part may be to know where to start when you arrive on campus. Here, as members of the Class of 2023 prepare to graduate and become world-class advocates, leaders, and change-makers, a few share their wisest words of wisdom.
Pablo Lozano ’23

“You will survive! Sleep a little more, and don’t be scared to take some time for yourself. There will always be another article, book, or textbook to read. There won’t always be the opportunity to see world leaders speak. There won’t always be the opportunity to travel and have open-ended debates with peers and other grad students. Those interactions are unique to academia and exceptional at Harvard, and it is what I miss most every time I leave campus. I’m convinced that students solve world problems over ice cream, hot Cheetos, and takeout between classes and during late-night study sessions. Ultimately, have fun! Join a clinic or SPO, apply for a joint degree, become a proctor or tutor at the college. Engage with all that Harvard has to offer, not just what the law school offers.”
Anderson J. Dirocie De León LL.M. ’23

“Reach out to people, learn from them, all of them, get involved, and build community at HLS. I assure you that it will provide you with much more valuable and essential lawyer skills than just the case law. You will grow as a person by learning about others’ journeys, fears, and passions, and, ultimately, you will learn about the world around you as much as about yourself.”
Greita Anggraeni LL.M. ’23

“As a foodie, my advice would be: indulge yourself with good food! There is a saying that nothing brings people together like good food; here at HLS you will meet a lot of new friends from different countries, backgrounds, and cultures, so exploring new types of foods that you or your friends have never tried before is another fun way to hang out. These are my recommendations: Shabuzen for a heartwarming Japanese/Chinese fusion hot pot; Naksan for Korean barbeque and having a good time over soju; Toro for a classic Spanish tapas bar; Buttermilk & Bourbon for Southern America feels; have breakfast or brunch at Cafe Bonjour for eggs lovers, sandwiches, crepes or French toast; Mahaniyom for a unique tapas-style Thai food; and Mariel for Cuban delicacy.”
Zachary Goldstein ’23

“Take advantage of Harvard’s election law offerings! The Election Law Clinic is at the forefront of pro-democracy litigation and advocacy work, and the core Election Law course with Professors Stephanopoulos or Charles provides an amazing foundation from which to understand how our political system functions.”
Rafael Benzecry LL.M. ’23

“Studying at Harvard Law School was one of the best experiences I had in my life, and I am very proud to be part of a bicentennial institution that revolutionized legal education in the world. As a graduating student, I recommend that future HLS students make the most of every course, clinic, and event available. This entire experience is unparalleled and is guaranteed to provide a new perspective on life.”
Michael Snow ’23

“A great piece of advice I received from the wonderful folks at OPIA (the Office of Public Interest Advising) was to take advantage of clinical opportunities as a means of deciding what I want my legal career to be. I learned so much through getting hands-on experience in clinics and was able to confirm my interest in working as a government attorney.”
Giovanna Traiman Coji LL.M. ’23

“Get to know as many people as possible! Be inspired by their journeys, dreams and purposes. You might end up meeting your best friends and making memories that will last forever, with countless learnings that go way beyond the classroom environment.”
Anthony Pericolo ’23

“My advice to future graduating students would be to take the Veterans Law & Disability Benefits clinic. There is a misconception that, because of its name, students in the clinic need to have served in the Armed Forces. That is not true! Dan Nagin is a wonderful, terrific supervisor who goes the extra mile to teach his students and represent his clients. You are also a part of something greater when representing your clients who — selflessly, generously, and without hesitation — have served this country. The clinic has work in the Massachusetts Chapter 115 benefits program, which existed since the Revolutionary War. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the clinic offers work in the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, which is under forty years old. Either opportunity enables students to give back by grappling with challenging issues with broad impacts beyond the immediate case.”
Zeslene Mao LL.M. ’23

“My advice for future HLS students is to fully immerse in the international community of the Harvard Law School LL.M. Class. The International Party hosted by the LL.M. Class was one of the highlights of my time here, and I leave with a better understanding of the world and with friends from every corner of the globe.”
Rosie Kaur ’23

“You already have all the tools at your fingertip to make your mark at HLS. Do not worry about recreating your study habits — use the strengths you got into HLS with to your advantage.”
Luther Lie LL.M. ’23

“Going to Harvard Law School is one of the best decisions in my life. HLS offers boundless resources and possibilities. We can create a Harvard experience that tailors to our interests, talents, and aspirations. We should prioritize activities that we sincerely believe will make our time here most fulfilling and valuable, to ourselves and society.”
Amanda Harris ’23

“My advice is to get involved with Harvard Law School Parody. Celebrating our wonderful law school community with more than 100 of my fellow students, professors, and closest friends was a memory I’ll cherish for a lifetime!”
Ji Soo Janet Park ’23

“Be kind to yourself and to everyone around you, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. I can’t emphasize this point enough because there is a lot of pressure for HLS students to look like everything is going perfectly on the surface. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, and as someone whose father was diagnosed with cancer during her first semester and passed away during her last, I felt it especially necessary to lean into my support network and would not have made it to graduation without all the help and encouragement from my family, friends, professors, BSAs, internship supervisors, the Dean of Students office, and the greater Harvard community. Always remember that you are not alone, and give yourself and others some grace because before we’re HLS students, we’re all human.”
Liesbet Van Acker LL.M. ’23

“Be curious, not judgmental. Harvard Law School is a place filled with students from all walks of life, give everyone the space to share their unique stories and perspectives. Community-building is the single most important thing you will do at HLS. And for the J.D.s, befriend LL.M.s. :)”
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