Taking Care of Business (and Nonprofits, too)
We follow 5 clinical students into the lab, the barbershop and the labyrinth of condominium governance.
Ruling out Risk?
Stock in Trade: Ingenuity
On the Border
Privacy (TBD): In the online space, what is private may depend on who you are and where you live
Crossing Boundaries to Enforce Boundaries
Brown-Nagin on the Unfinished Business of Civil Rights
Anker on Immigration Rights: ‘We need civil Gideon’
Of Sammelbands, Coutumes and Broadsides
A current exhibit in HLS Library’s Historical & Special Collections department highlights some new and unusual acquisitions, many of which were meant to be accessible to people untrained in the law.
In a transition from corporate law, an attorney focuses on increasing opportunities for women.
Inspired by legendary lawyers, a brother and sister set out to change the world.
Without prosecutions, the risk of another financial crisis is greater,says a prominent federal judge.
There is no one in Hollywood—indeed, throughout the entire entertainment industry—who doesn’t know the name Bert Fields.