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Charles Ogeltree stands in front of a brick building

Breaking the Chain

Professor Charles Ogletree Jr. '78 and Randall Robinson '70 want to educate Americans about the lasting impact of slavery. A lawsuit will be part of that education.

The Voters’ Advocate

Scott Harshbarger '68, the president of Common Cause, is charged with reinvigorating the venerable watchdog organization.

Not Your Father’s Harvard Law School

The current Strategic Plan builds on changes that have taken place at HLS over the last 30 years.

The Censor and the Civil Libertarian

In two new books, a TV censor writes about what he saw and an anti-censorship attorney writes about what children should see.
Inside HLS
  • Harvard Law Survivor

    What’s the difference between Harvard Law School and Survivor? Harvard Law School is easier to get into, and Survivor is easier to get kicked out…

  • Air Unfair

    Adjunct Professor Michael Levine likes to see airlines compete. After all, he helped deregulate the airline industry two decades ago before serving as an executive…

  • The Cart Before the Court

    Casey Martin’s legal battle to use a golf cart during PGA tournaments will not affect many other golfers. Yet the case could affect the lives…

  • Presidential Politics

    The search committee that ultimately chose Lawrence Summers as the 27th president of Harvard University originally considered hundreds of candidates for the job. One of…

  • Bush Taps HLS Grads for Administration

    A new president may occupy the White House, but Harvard Law remains well represented at the top of government. So far, President George W. Bush…

  • Naming Rights…and Wrongs

    Certain lawyers might say that it depends on what the definition of “at” is. Technically, the National College for DUI Defense was held “at” Harvard…

Alumni Notes and Newsmakers