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Student Spotlights

  • Winter 2008

    Law Classes Take Flight

    December 1, 2008

    As law becomes more global, options for foreign study expand Like his peers at Harvard Law School, Nels Hansen ’08 faced a heavy academic load…

  • Panelists Hull, Breyer and Berzon

    Breyer returns for 97th Ames Moot Court final round

    November 20, 2008

    The final round of Harvard Law School’s 97th Ames Moot Court Competition was held on November 18 in the Ames Courtroom in Austin Hall.

  • Anna Fecker and Michael Admirand

    Far and wide: Three spif-fy summers

    November 19, 2008

    This year, Summer Public Interest Funding enabled HLS students to explore public service in 27 states and 35 countries around the world. More than $1.8 million Summer Public Interest Funding was awarded to 373 students this summer. Here’s a look at what four students did with their summer funding.

  • Toiling in the Fields of Redemption

    November 12, 2008

    “Each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done.”
    Those words, written by noted death penalty lawyer Bryan Stevenson ’85, were very much on the mind of Katie Wozencroft ’09 this summer, when she made the four-hour drive from Atlanta to an Alabama prison where condemned prisoners are executed.

  • HLS Crew team

    HLS Crew breaks team record at 44th Head of the Charles Regatta

    October 21, 2008

    On Saturday, October 18th, the Harvard Law School crew raced in the 44th Head of the Charles Regatta, competing against over 60 club eights from around the country.

  • Eric Nguyen '09

    3L publishes NYT op-ed on mortgage crisis

    October 10, 2008

    In an op- ed “Fight for the Family Home” published in the October 10, 2008 edition of The New York Times, Eric Nguyen ’09 argues for reform of bankruptcy laws.

  • Nasredeen Abdulbari LL.M. ’08

    Pay It Forward

    September 1, 2008

    Financial aid is helping those who will help others.

  • Building a Bridge of Redemption

    September 1, 2008

    Christina Greenberg’s client was labeled disruptive and was sent home from elementary school every single day last spring. The 8-year-old—who is mentally disabled, has hydrocephalus, seizures and is in a wheelchair—then lost summer services because his school district failed to submit the necessary paperwork. His mother—struggling to care for her son and his disabled twin on $1,000 a month—was desperate when she reached Greenberg, a summer intern with Massachusetts Advocates for Children.

  • HLS Students on Campus

    New students arrive from all over the world

    August 29, 2008

    Harvard Law School welcomed 629 new students to Cambridge this week. They hail from Alaska to Zimbabwe, and from Fenway Park to Wimbledon.

  • Erik Swabb '09

    In dispatches from Iraq, Erik Swabb ’09 describes dramatic changes in security situation

    August 21, 2008

    Iraq war veteran Erik Swabb ’09 recently returned to Iraq and was embedded with a U.S. combat unit, hoping to gain an informed assessment of…

  • Lam Ho '08

    An escapee from poverty and abuse dedicates himself to those still trapped

    July 29, 2008

    Lam Ho ’08 was 6 years old when he and his family emigrated from Vietnam to the hardscrabble city of Brockton, Mass., where his parents worked on assembly lines and the family ate in soup kitchens and wore hand-me-downs from relatives.

  • Eric Nguyen '09

    Eric Nguyen publishes paper in leading bankruptcy law journal

    July 29, 2008

    Eric Nguyen '09 has just had a paper published in the American Bankruptcy Law Journal about how hard parents fight to keep their family homes in times of economic distress.

  • Exit Interview

    July 29, 2008

    They took different paths to get here and are headed in different directions as they leave. Here, a look at six graduates in the Harvard Law School Class of 2008.

  • Pfromm, Wu, Sonnenberg

    HLS students travel to Auschwitz to teach diplomats about negotiation in the face of genocide

    July 28, 2008

    On May 16th, two HLS students, René A. Pfromm LL.M. '08 and Ines Wu '09, together with Stephan Sonnenberg '06, Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Program (HNMCP) clinical fellow and lecturer on law, delivered a one day workshop on negotiation in the context of genocide and mass atrocities.

  • Military checkpoint in Fallujah

    HLS students who served in Iraq give their perspectives on the war

    July 25, 2008

    Last week, five current Harvard Law School students who have served or are currently serving in the U.S. armed forces spoke to a packed audience about their experiences in Iraq. Panelists Robert Merrill '08, Geoff Orazem '09, Erik Swabb '09, Hagan Scotten '10, and Kurt White '10 each drew upon their varied military posts during the invasion, the Second Battle of Fallujah, and counterinsurgency operations, to explain what it is like to serve as a junior officer in Iraq.

  • Therese Rohrbeck ’08

    Taking Faith

    July 1, 2008

    While in Guatemala this winter, Therese Rohrbeck touched what remains of The Dream of Pope Gregory IX.

  • Students participate in historic apartheid litigation

    May 23, 2008

    Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on a case that nearly 20 Harvard Law School Human Rights Program clinical students have worked on over the last three years. The students assisted with the case on behalf of a group of South African apartheid victims, who brought claims against over 50 top multinational corporations for doing buisiness with the apartheid regime.

  • Third-year student argues case before First Circuit

    May 14, 2008

    On May 7, Lena Konanova '08 capped off her law school experience by representing a client bringing a case of employment discrimination before the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston.

  • HLS crew team

    HLS crew team wins graduate student regatta

    May 12, 2008

    On April 26, the Harvard Law School crew team took home a first place finish in the International Graduate School Regatta. The regatta featured graduate school crews from Boston College, the University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, MIT, Yale, and Harvard.

  • David Kessler '09

    David Kessler ’09 publishes article in criminal law journal

    May 6, 2008

    David Kessler '09 will have an article published in the January 2009 edition of the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Though students regularly publish "notes" in law reviews and journals, it is more unusual for them to have articles published.

  • Andrew Klaber '09

    Student Spotlight: A young entrepreneur builds a startup to aid the neediest

    April 28, 2008

    Last January, Andrew Klaber ’09 was invited to Davos, Switzerland, to participate in the World Economic Forum with the world’s elite business, political and intellectual leaders.