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Faculty Scholarship

  • The Forum and the Tower book cover

    What Kind of Difference They Made

    July 1, 2011

    In her long career as a law professor, Mary Ann Glendon has seen students struggle to stay idealistic in an imperfect world. Will they lose their moral compass if they choose a life in politics? Risk irrelevance if they stick to academia? Glendon, a former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, has explored how great statespersons and philosophers grappled with similar questions.

  • Minow presents award to Tony Curcio

    Winners of the 2011 Dean’s Award for Excellence honored in ceremony at HLS

    June 30, 2011

    On June 28, HLS Dean Martha Minow presented the 2011 Dean’s Award for Excellence to seven individuals and one team of staff members at an awards ceremony in Ames Courtroom.

  • Noah Feldman portrait

    Feldman’s “Scorpions” wins 2011 Scribes Award

    June 30, 2011

    HLS Professor Noah Feldman’s “Scorpions: The Battles and Triumphs of FDR’s Great Supreme Court Justices” (Twelve, 2010) was selected as the best legal book of the year by Scribes, the American Society of Legal Writers, winning its 2011 Book Award.

  • Jack Goldsmith on American Institutions and the Trump Presidency

    Goldsmith on “On Point” Libya and the power of the president (audio)

    June 29, 2011

    Harvard Law School Professor Jack Goldsmith was a guest on National Public Radio’s On Point on June 28, discussing presidential war powers and Congressional authority in relation to the United States’ current military action in Libya.

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule on Libyan Legal Limbo

    June 28, 2011

    “Libyan Legal Limbo,” an op-ed by Harvard Law Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 and University of Chicago Law Professor Eric Posner ’91, appeared June 27 on

  • Roe in Project Syndicate: How capitalist is America?

    June 28, 2011

    In his June 20 opinion piece in Project Syndicate, “How capitalist is America?,” Harvard Law School Professor Mark Roe '75 looks into the question of ‘how capitalist’ the United States is, and explores the idea of U.S. capitalism not only within a global context, but within a corporate one, as well. The article is the latest in a monthly series for the publication, titled The Rules of the Game.

  • Town hall event panel

    Educational equality for foster care children: HLS hosts a town hall (video)

    June 22, 2011

    Children in foster care experience daunting challenges of stability and security in the school system, according to participants in the program “On the Road to Educational Equality,” held at Harvard Law School on May 24.

  • HLS Professor Lawrence Lessig

    Lessig Gives Keynote Speech at ABA Techshow

    June 17, 2011

    Harvard Law School Professor Lawrence Lessig, director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard, gave the keynote speech at the American Bar Association Techshow on Monday, April 11th. The speech, titled “Code is Law: Does Anyone Get This Yet?” focused on regulatory change concerning Internet copyright issues.

  • HLS Dean Martha Minow

    Six Harvard Law School professors and six ideas worth spreading, in 60 minutes (video)

    June 17, 2011

    This year’s “HLS Thinks Big” event, inspired by the global TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) talks and modeled after the College’s “Harvard Thinks Big” event first held last year, took place on May 23, featuring topics ranging from legal assistance for undocumented students to risk analysis in constitutional design.

  • Professor Hal Scott

    Scott testifies before House Committee on Financial Services

    June 16, 2011

    On Thursday June 16, HLS Professor Hal Scott is testified before the US House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services in a hearing entitled “Financial Regulatory Reform: The International Context."

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Zittrain in NYT: Encourage more hackathons

    June 16, 2011

    In a June 15 article in the Opinion section of The New York Times, Harvard Law School Professor Jonathan Zittrain ’95 discusses the current state of computer science education, and suggests an alternative approach to teaching that focuses more on the “bigger picture” than “rote work without much prospect for intellectual growth.”

  • Jeannie Suk ’02

    Suk honored by the Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York

    June 14, 2011

    The Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York recently honored Harvard Law Professor Jeannie Suk ‘02 with its annual Trailblazers award. In 2010, Suk became the first Asian-American woman to receive tenure at Harvard Law School.

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule on ‘Constitutional Redemption’ in TNR

    June 13, 2011

    In a Jun. 8 review in The New Republic, Harvard Law School Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 discusses a new book by Jack M. Balkin, titled “Constitutional Redemption: Political Faith in an Unjust World” (Harvard University Press, 2011).

  • Tribe in The Wall Street Journal: Why Wounded Warriors Sleep in Dumpsters

    June 13, 2011

    The following op-ed, Why Wounded Warriors Sleep in Dumpsters, written by Harvard Law School Professor Laurence Tribe ’66 and Bobby Shriver, appeared in the June 9 edition of The Wall Street Journal. An expert on Constitutional Law, Tribe was appointed Carl M. Loeb University Professor in 2004. His most recent book is The Invisible Constitution (Oxford University Press 2008). He recently served as senior counselor for access to justice in the U.S. Justice Department.

  • Gertner, Feldman Minow; Warren, Tribe Gordon-Reed

    HLS professors receive honorary degrees, deliver commencement addresses

    June 10, 2011

    Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow and Professors Elizabeth Warren, Laurence Tribe ’66, Nancy Gertner, and Noah Feldman all received honorary degrees at college and law school commencement ceremonies this spring.

  • Noah Feldman, David Landau ’04 and Brian Sheppard

    Feldman, Landau and Sheppard recommend constitutional reforms for Honduras

    June 7, 2011

    HLS Professor Noah Feldman and a team of HLS affiliates have authored a report at the request of the Commission on Truth and Reconciliation of Honduras (TRC), examining the constitutionality of the actions in Honduras that resulted in the 2009 military coup that removed President Manuel Zelaya from office. In the report, the authors offer recommendations for constitutional reform for the Central American country.

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Zittrain announced as FCC Distinguished Scholar

    June 7, 2011

    Jonathan Zittrain, HLS professor of law and co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, has been appointed as the Federal Communications Commission’s Distinguished Scholar, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced May 31.

  • Harvard Law School Building

    Harvard faculty and fellows contribute most of the ‘Top Ten Corporate and Securities Law Articles’ of 2010

    June 3, 2011

    This year’s list of “Top Ten Corporate and Securities Articles” based on an annual poll of corporate and securities law academics includes six articles authored or co-authored by Harvard Law faculty and fellows. The top ten articles, selected from a field of more than 440 pieces, will be reprinted in an upcoming issue of the Corporate Practice Commentator.

  • Noah Feldman portrait

    Feldman named columnist for Bloomberg View

    June 1, 2011

    It was officially announced on April 29 that HLS Professor Noah Feldman will become a regular contributor to Bloomberg View, the new opinion section of Bloomberg News, which debuted in late May on Feldman, who is a regular contributor to The New York Times, has been named as part of an expanded, 14-person roster of columnists that also includes Harvard University Professor of Economics Edward L. Glaeser and Meghan O’Sullivan, professor of international affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

  • Jon D. Hanson in conversation at his desk

    Hanson honored with Sacks-Freund Teaching Award

    May 26, 2011

    Professor Jon Hanson, the Alfred Smart Professor of Law, is this year's winner of the prestigious Albert M. Sacks-Paul A. Freund Award for Teaching Excellence, an honor bestowed each spring by the Harvard Law School graduating class. The award recognizes teaching ability, attentiveness to student concerns and general contributions to student life at the law school.

  • William Howell

    William Howell wins Richardson Award

    May 25, 2011

    William Howell, student programs manager in the Dean of Students Office at Harvard Law School, received the Suzanne L. Richardson Staff Appreciation Award during Class Day exercises on May 25.