Welcome to Winter & Spring Semester HLS Housing
Last update: 12.11.2024
We are happy to have you on campus and living in the residence halls. Here you will find important information regarding your move-in. We encourage you to take the time to review the information.
If you have questions not answered here email HLS Housing.
Thank you for choosing HLS Housing.
Winter & Spring Move-in Schedule
Winter/Spring Semester Move In – Students moving in for the winter term may move in starting Thursday, December 26th by appointment only.
Spring Semester Move In – Students moving in for spring semester may move in starting Monday, January 20th by appointment only.
Arrival on Campus
Move in dates for winter and spring semester are by appointment only. Please refer to the Housing calendar for the earliest available move in date. We are unable to accommodate earlier move-in dates or times. Students who plan to arrive before move in dates must find alternate accommodations.
Card Reader Access
The exterior doors of all residence halls have card readers and are accessible using a Harvard University ID (HUID) card. In addition, the Gropius stairwell doors that link between buildings also have card readers.
If you do not have a HUID card before arriving on campus please email HLS Housing with advanced notice requesting a temporary access card. Your email should include your full name, HUID number, room number, and arrival date. We also encourage you to contact the Office of the Registrar (JDs) or the Graduate Program (LLMs/Exchange Students) to learn where you may pick up your HUID card.
If your HUID card is not working on the card readers, please email facmgmt@law.harvard.edu with details. You must include your HUID number in the email.
Hand Trucks
A small number of hand trucks are available from the Facilities Management Office during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. The Facilities Management Office is located in Holmes Hall, room four. Students will need to provide a photo ID to check out a hand truck. A replacement fee of $100 may be accessed for unreturned hand trucks.
Internet Services
For internet support reach out to Information Technology Services (ITS).
Support is available by phone (617-495-0722), Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm.
The Service Desk, located in Wasserstein (WCC) B037, is also available for walk-in support, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm.
You can also use the Administrative Services Hub. There you can Get Something, Get Help, Get Answers, and Chat.
- In a web browser navigate to https://hls.service-now.com/sp
- Choose ‘Get Something’, to browse the catalog for services and items, make request
- Choose ‘Get Help’, to contact support to report a problem
- Choose ‘Get Answers’ to browse and search for knowledge articles
- Click the Chat icon, to chat with a team member about basic ITS questions.
Laundry Rooms
Laundry rooms can be found in the following locations:
- Gropius Complex – Basement of Dane Hall and Shaw Hall
- Hastings Hall – Basement
- 1637 Mass Avenue – First floor
- 3 and 5 Mellen Street – Basement
- North Hall – First floor
Mail Services
All HLS mail is received and processed through the HLS Mail Center located in the lower level of WCC. As an HLS resident you will be given a mailbox number as noted in the portal. All flat mail will be placed in this mailbox.
If you are expecting packages, please proceed to the HLS Mail Center to pick up packages only after you have received an email from the HLS Mail Center confirming delivery receipt of your package. Hand trucks are available to assist in transporting packages to your room at the HLS Mail Center. A replacement fee of $100 may be accessed for unreturned hand trucks.
Maintenance Requests
The Facilities Management Office is responsible for your HLS residence. If when you arrive you are concerned with something in your room, please contact them promptly. For non-urgent matters, emailing Facilities Management is the preferred method of communication. Emails should include your name and your HLS resident room. For urgent matters such as the temperature of your room, a malfunctioning piece of equipment in your room or in a shared space, please call Facilities immediately at 617-495-5521 (24/7). If the office is closed please follow the prompts so your request can be handled.
All HLS rooms have a two sided bed mattress. One side of the mattress is firm while the other side is softer. Feel free to flip the mattress to the side that provides you more comfort.
Extra-long twin bed mattresses are sized 36″ X 80″ X 8″ (inches)
Full bed mattresses are sized 53″ X 74.5″ X 8″ (inches)
Official Move-In Dates
Please refer to the arrival on campus section of this page regarding your official move-in date. Arriving during regular operating hours of Monday through Friday, 8am through 5pm, does ensure better response time to questions or requests you may have upon arrival.
If you require parking when moving in, it is recommend you purchase a daily parking pass.
If you are arriving on campus on a weekday (Monday through Friday), you should purchase a pass for the 10 Everett Street parking garage located directly under the WCC. If you arrive over the weekend, you will need to purchase a pass for 52 Oxford Street parking garage, located at the end of Everett Street.
Parking garage passes are not sold at the garage booths. Please make sure you purchase and print your parking pass in advance.
Proof of Residency
After moving into your HLS residence, you may find yourself in need of proof of residency. A proof of residency can serve as a vital document to verify your address for various official purposes such as obtaining a state license/ID, opening a local bank account and applying for a city parking permit.
To obtain a proof of residency, head over to the portal and select “FORMS” from the crimson navigation bar. Select a form from the list and download the letter. You will be able to download this letter only after you have “checked-in” to your HLS room.
Resident Advisors
The Dean of Students Office (DOS) recruits a number of HLS students who serve as Resident Advisors (RA). RAs are peer leaders and a resource within the HLS Housing residential community. RAs are assigned to a specific floor or section of a residence hall and are responsible for fostering a positive and inclusive living environment through community engagement.
You should hear from your RA soon after you have checked in and settled into your HLS residence. To find out more about your specific RA check the Resident Advisor website.
Room & Mailbox Keys
To obtain your room and mailbox key make your way to the west entrance of Holmes Hall, as indicated by the yellow arrow below, when you arrive on campus.

If you arrive Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm, the Facilities Management Office will be open and a staff member will provide you your key packet. If you arrive when the office is closed such as weekends, an official Harvard University holiday or during the winter break*, dial 617-495-5521 using your mobile phone or dial 5-5521 on the campus blue phone located at the west entrance door of Holmes Hall. Follow the prompts and a campus safety guard will meet you at the Holmes Hall entrance, validate your HUID or government-issued identification and give you your key packet.
If you do not have a HUID and your key packet does not include a temporary access card, the guard will escort you to your HLS residence to bypass the exterior doors. The exterior doors of all HLS residences are only accessible using a HUID card.
For security reasons keys should not be marked with your name or the resident room they belong to.
* Due to the holiday break, the Facilities Management Office close as of 3pm Friday, December 20th through 8am Thursday, January 2nd.
Suitemate Information
Suitemate information is available in the Housing section of the portal on the application status page. If you would like to reach out to your suitemate, please use Amicus.
Tool Set
Resident Assistants have been provided a small set of hardware tools to loan out in the event needed. Tools are on a first come first basis and should be promptly returned once you no longer need them.
Transportation to Campus
If you are flying into Boston’s Logan Airport and need ground transportation to the HLS campus, head over to the Massachusetts Port Authority web site. All viable options are provided there.
Trash & Recycling
Upon unpacking we ask that you bring your trash and recycling material to your buildings trash and recycling areas.
Trash and recycling materials may not be left in corridors or hallways per Massachusetts Fire and Safety egress regulations.
What to Avoid Bringing
- Heated blankets, hot plates, and any other heating devices
- Candles and incense
- Large bulky suitcases since they will need to be stored in your room
- Anything that is extremely valuable to you. Please consider leaving such items behind.
What to Bring
- If you are in room in the Gropius Complex, Hastings Hall or 5 Mellen Street, a bathroom caddy, bathrobe, and shower shoes
- If you are in a Gropius or Hastings Hall room a large box fan
- Bed sheet sets, pillows, blankets, and towels
- Mattress pad if you like a softer top
- Closet hangers
- Power strip
- Personal hygiene products
- Hard plastic containers with latching buckles to store food in your room
- Headphones, earplugs (if you’re sensitive to noise), and sleep masks
- Climate appropriate clothing, such as a heavy coat, boots, scarves, hats, and gloves
- Laundry basket/hamper/bag. You can purchase your detergent when you arrive
- Personal mini-vacuum since all floors are provided a shared full size vacuum cleaner
- Optional, mini-fridge less than 1000 watts
HLS Housing Handbook
It is encouraged that you familiarize yourself with the Housing Handbook. When you signed your room license agreement/apartment lease you acknowledged responsibility for abiding by the policies and procedures outlined in the handbook.