Keys play a vital role in the security of HLS Campus Housing, so it cannot be emphasized enough how important it is for students to properly safeguard and maintain their keys.
Keys are only released to the HLS student who has signed a housing contract and can present a HUID or government issued photo ID to validate their name.
For the safety of all students, keys should not have any identification markers such as an address or the student’s name.
Key Distribution
Each student is issued a set of physical keys consisting of an internal room/apartment key and a mailbox key. All exterior building entrances are locked but can be accessed using your HUID card.
The duplication of any key issued to you is strictly prohibited. Students are also not allowed to loan their HLS room key to anyone. Key duplication and key loaning are serious security breaches. Violations are taken seriously and will be referred to the Dean of Students Office.
If You’re Locked Out
This applies to all students in HLS Housing.
Many of the rooms and apartment doors lock automatically, so you must always take your room key and HUID when you leave your building, room or apartment. Students who lock themselves out of their building, room or apartment during regular business hours should first seek assistance by visiting the Facilities Management Office, room four in Holmes Hall to borrow a room key or temporary access card to get back into their building, room or apartment (this will not count as a lockout which can lead to a lockout fee on your student account). Regular business hours are: Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm, excluding holidays when there are no classes held and HLS administrative offices are closed; and on days when HLS administrative offices are closed. Please refer to the HLS Academic Calendar.
If it is outside of regular business hours, students should call the Facilities Management Office (617.495.5521) and follow the prompts (this will count as a lockout which can lead to a lockout fee on your student account). You will be met at your resident entrance by an HLS campus safety officer who will grant you access to the building, room or apartment. Students will need to provide the HLS campus safety officer with proper identification (either your HUID or a government issued ID) upon regaining entry. A photo will be taken of the ID as evidence of your lockout.
All lockouts requiring access assistance to a resident’s building, room or apartment will be recorded and will count toward your total number for the academic year. There will be a grace period for lockouts that will end on Monday, September 9, 2024. If a student requests assistance for being locked out more than three times in the same academic year, a $50.00 lockout fee will be applied to their student account for each subsequent lockout, starting with the fourth occurrence.
There are no exceptions for lockout fees. Students must always lock their door and carry their room key and HUID when they leave their building, room or apartment.
Replacement Keys
Students who have lost their keys or left them away from campus may obtain a temporary replacement key from the Facilities Management Office during regular business hours, Monday through Friday (excluding University holidays) from 9am to 5pm. Students are encouraged to actively locate their lost keys and return the replacement set to the Facilities Management Office promptly. If the replacement keys are not returned to the Facilities Management Office within 72 hours, the original keys will be assumed lost and the student will be charged a replacement room core/key fee.
Temporary Access Card
If you are issued a temporary access card (TAC) and it is not returned to the Facilities Management Office within 72 hours, a replacement fee will be applied to your student account.
Students are not allowed to loan their TAC to anyone. Loaning a TAC is a serious security breach. Violations are taken seriously and will be referred to the Dean of Students Office.
Replacement Fees
All fees mentioned above will be billed to your HU student account. Keys and access cards play a vital role in the security of HLS Housing, so it cannot be emphasized enough how important it is for students to take care of them.
- Replacement Room Core Change/Key Cut: $300
- Replacement Mailbox Key: $50
- Unreturned Temporary Access Card: $150