The Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs offers its heartfelt congratulations to the 27 Harvard Law students who received a Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Certificate in recognition of their pro bono work. The ceremony was held at the Adams Courthouse on October 18th and the students are listed on the SJC’s Pro Bono Honor Roll website.

The recognition is presented annually to law firms, solo practitioners, in-house corporate counsel offices, government attorney offices, non-profit organizations, law school faculties, and law students who certify that, in the calendar year of 2016, they have contributed at least 50 hours of legal services without receiving pay or academic credit.

Pro Bono Honor Roll Students:

Katherine Ambrose JD ’18 Jyoti Jasrasaria JD ’18
Heather Artinian JD ’18 Mark Lee JD ’18
Katrina Braun JD ’18 Megan Lee JD ’18
Elizabeth Carter JD ’18 Zachary David Smith Lenox JD ’18
Gianna Ceophas JD ’18 Yaacov (Jake) Meiseles JD ’19
Emily Chan JD ’18 Melissa Mikail JD ’18
Cameron Clark JD ’18 Emil Natanson Nachman JD ’18
Alicia Daniel JD ’18 Madaline O’Neill JD ’19
Andrene Dabaghi JD ’17 Leah Juhyun Park JD ’18
Hayley Evans JD ’19 Charlotte Robbinson JD ’18
Nadia L. Farjood JD ’18 Jacob R. Steiner JD ’18
Aaron Francis JD ’17 Thaya Uthayophas JD ’18
Angie Geng JD ’18 Iris Won JD ’18
Claire Horan JD ’18


Filed in: Pro Bono

Tags: pro bono

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