WHAT: Massachusetts Division Of Administrative Law Appeals (DALA)
Students interested in working with Magistrates at the Massachusetts Division of Administrative Law Appeals (DALA) will assist with the resolution of appeals from a variety of state agencies starting with the arrival of the appeal at DALA until the final DALA decision is rendered. For each case assigned to a student, this can mean attending the pre-hearing conference, the hearing, consultation with the magistrate assigned to write the decision, research and drafting for the magistrate’s decision as well as the feedback and editing process with the magistrate. Students may have the option of selecting the subject matter of the appeal they handle as the magistrates at DALA hear and decide appeals from various state agencies including Retirement Boards, the Board of Registration in Medicine, the Department of Public Health, the Civil Service Commission, the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Veterans’ Services. Students are expected to be available for at least one full day a week at the DALA office in Boston.
HOW: Independent Clinical Program
Through the independent clinical program, you may earn clinical credits to work with DALA. Please review the independent clinical guidelines on OCP’s website for additional information. If you’re interested in applying for this internship, please email Liz Solar esolar@law.harvard.edu a copy of your resume, a writing sample and unofficial transcript. Your application will be forwarded to DALA who will contact you directly to set up an interview in person or by telephone. The Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs will handle clinical registration after you’ve submitted an independent clinical application. Please contact Liz Solar with any additional questions at esolar@law.harvard.edu or by telephone at 617-495-3765.
Filed in: Clinical and Pro Bono Opportunities
Contact Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs