Folks on the ground estimate the last source of water in the northern part of the Reserve will be gone by the end of the month, if not sooner.
Today, Harvard Law School’s Animal Law & Policy Clinic submitted a letter along with photos and video to the Defendants in our elk case showing worsening conditions at Tomales Point and asking them, again, to take immediate action to save the animals from dying of dehydration and hunger. Folks on the ground estimate the last source of water in the northern part of the Reserve will be gone by the end of the month, if not sooner.
The letter reminds the defendants that in their filing with the Court on July 14, 2021 they informed the Court that the Park Service “stands ready to act if needed to safeguard the viability of the Tomales Point elk population,” and David Press stated in his Declaration that providing water to the elk in the Northern part of the Reserve “will be considered as we continue to monitor the elk and available water sources over the next months.” The judge cited these assurances in his denial of Plaintiffs’ request for emergency relief, stressing that the Park Service has stated it will “do more” if necessary to preserve the animals at Tomales Point.
Thank you for any coverage you can give. Image credits as marked, Jack Gescheidt and Laura Chariton. Video, Jack Sehgal. Further video also available on request.
For further information or to arrange an interview:
Sarah Pickering (to speak with the attorneys and residents who are part of this lawsuit or for video): 617 852-6484; spickering@law.harvard.edu
Mike Andrade-Heymsfield (for plaintiff the Animal Legal Defense Fund): 707-364-8387; media@aldf.org
Filed in: Clinical Announcements, Legal & Policy Work
Tags: Animal Law & Policy Clinic, Animal Law and Policy Clinic
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