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Harvard Law School Report of Gifts

This year’s publication lists all gifts made between July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, with special recognition for Reunion-year classes.

Harvard Law School is proud to express our immense gratitude to the alumni, friends, organizations, and others who have supported our mission. We’re pleased to share with you this year’s honor roll, as well as news and updates from the past year that demonstrate what we have been able to accomplish through the power of your support.

  • Students who performed 1,000+ pro bono hours in 2023–2024 122
  • New funds established in past fiscal year 24
  • Advanced degree holders in J.D. Class of 2026 and LL.M. Class of 2024 98
  • First-time donors to the Annual Fund in past fiscal year 93

It has been an honor to witness firsthand the engagement and passion of our valued donor community, whose transformational philanthropy is changing the lives of the next generation of legal professionals. We feel fortunate to have a wide range of supporters: alumni eager to enable others to have the experiences that meant so much to them as students, individuals and organizations that see the immense potential in our cutting-edge research, and so much more. Whoever you are, and whatever your reason for giving, please know that your choice to support our mission makes possible extraordinarily impactful teaching in and outside the classroom, vital clinical work on behalf of persons in need, and scholarship exploring everything from legal history to the future of lawyering in the A.I. world. From all of us here at Harvard Law School, you have our deepest gratitude.

Interim Dean John C.P. Goldberg

Spotlight on the Clinical Program

Each year, the HLS clinical program helps hundreds of students fulfill their dreams of pursuing hands-on advocacy that can make a life changing difference to the health, safety, and well-being of clients facing a range of legal concerns—the threat of eviction, a lack of access to clean water or food, the prospect of deportation, and more. As meaningful as legal aid is to these individuals and communities, it has just as deep an impact on participating students, often changing the trajectories of their own lives and careers. Below are a few direct testimonials from students about how their clinical experience shaped their worldviews.

The Harvard Law School Honor Roll of Donors

In grateful recognition of our dedicated supporters, access the 2023–2024 honor roll listings here.

View the Honor Roll


We would like to honor the many volunteers who further our mission through their tireless fundraising efforts with the Annual Fund.

Donor Societies

We would also like to offer special thanks to our leadership donors who comprise our dedicated giving societies, all listed in this year’s honor roll. Read more about each giving society below. 

  • Third Century

    As Harvard Law School continues into a third century, we are profoundly grateful for our most dedicated benefactors, past and present. In appreciation of the generous alumni and friends whose philanthropy transformed the Law School and left an indelible mark, the Third Century Society honors those who have made gifts of $1 million or more over their lifetimes or through their estates.

  • Dean’s Circle

    The Dean’s Circle recognizes alumni and friends whose leadership support enables the dean of Harvard Law School to shape the future of legal education, to fund the latest innovations, to advance the mission of HLS, and to invest in today’s outstanding law students—and tomorrow’s lawyers and leaders. Dean’s Circle members made generous gifts of $100,000 or more between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.

  • Langdell

    Named after Christopher Columbus Langdell, the dean of Harvard Law School from 1870 to 1895 who transformed American legal education by introducing the standard first-year curriculum and developing the case method, the Langdell Society recognizes generous alumni and friends whose contributions support the continued excellence of Harvard Law School. Langdell Society members made gifts of $10,000 to $99,999 between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.

    In special appreciation of young alumni whose early-career generosity is integral to the growth and future success of HLS, GOLD (graduates of the last decade) alumni who made gifts of $5,000 or more between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024 are recognized as members of the Langdell GOLD Society.

  • 1817 Society

    Since Harvard Law School’s founding in 1817, the philanthropic spirit and loyalty of alumni and friends have allowed HLS to fortify its position as the pinnacle of legal education. The continuity of support from consistent donors provides stability in the Law School’s capacity to innovate, educate, and inspire. The 1817 Society recognizes those who contributed to HLS for five or more consecutive years. Members of the 1817 Society are denoted in the honor roll with a diamond (◊) symbol.

Support HLS

If you have not yet made your gift this year, we hope you will renew your support today. Thank you for making a difference at HLS.

Renew Support

Langdell Hall

For questions about or corrections to the honor roll listings, please contact

Honor roll and website photography: Lorin Granger, James Rasaiah, Tony Rinaldo, Martha Stewart; Class portraits: Atlantic Photo Service

Contact Donor Relations