I am writing a book that addresses the following question:

How did protests against racial injustice in the middle of the twentieth century change American law?

I have written about 1300 double-spaced pages attempting to answer that question.

The book that will contain my response is due to the publisher this June.

I need help whipping into shape the Book’s footnotes.

If you are interested in assisting me with this task as a paid research assistant, please let me know as soon as possible.

You must register with university human resources before you can begin to work.

If you want to be considered for the job, please send me a resume and a statement of interest that runs no longer than a paragraph.

Thank you for your consideration.

Address what you send to both me (rkennedy@law.harvard.edu) and my assistant, Cass Loizides (cloizides@law.harvard.edu).