Science & Technology
Romeen Sheth ’15 is a team player who works well with others--not because he has to, but because he prefers to, and he wishes more lawyers felt the same way.
Hidden Talent
May 4, 2015
Craig Gentry has developed ways to to keep data secure and accessible that may broaden the use of cloud computing.
Harvard Law champions entrepreneurship and innovation
April 15, 2015
For law students interested in entrepreneurism and startups—as entrepreneurs themselves, as lawyers representing startups, or both—there is a wealth of growing and intersecting opportunities at Harvard Law School and across the university.
A focus on food: Harvard Law School forum mines ways to protect, improve what we eat (video)
April 10, 2015
On March 28-29, The Harvard Food Law Society and the Food Literacy Project hosted the “Just Food? Forum on Justice in the Food System” at Harvard Law School, organized as part of Harvard’s yearlong Food Better initiative, created to discuss issues surrounding what we eat.
Seeking public openness: Hackathon taps technology to improve corporate, government accountability
April 2, 2015
In late March, a two-day hackathon organized by the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics and MIT Center for Civic Media brought together technologists and thinkers to come up with new ways to stem corporate and government corruption.
Deans’ Food System Challenge finalists announced
April 2, 2015
This Fall, Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow and Julio Frenk, dean of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, issued a challenge to students across the university to come up with fresh ideas for solving complex problems facing our food system in the United States and around the world.
The numbers paint a telling picture. In the United States of the 1950s there were between 3 million and 4 million annual cases of measles,…
Harvard convenes international meeting on clinical trial recruitment
February 6, 2015
The Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School and the Regulatory Foundations, Ethics, and Law Program of Harvard Catalyst | The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center convened an international panel of experts at the Brocher Foundation in Switzerland for a workshop entitled “Clinical Trial Recruitment: Problems, Misconceptions, and Possible Solutions,” on Jan. 19-21.
Multistakeholder as Governance Groups: New Study by Global Network of Internet and Society Centers
January 15, 2015
The Global Network of Internet and Society Research Centers (NoC) and the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University have released a new report on Multistakeholder Governance Groups, which informs the debate about Internet governance models and mechanisms.
Firmly Outside the Box
November 24, 2014
From rethinking how venture capital firms meet their legal needs to focusing on broadening access to legal services for all people, Sarah Reed '91 has been a pragmatic innovator.
A Recipe for Innovation
November 13, 2014
This fall, Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow and Julio Frenk, dean of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, issued the "Deans' Food System Challenge" (one of several competitions held by the Harvard Innovation Lab and sponsored by Harvard Schools), encouraging students across the university to come up with fresh ideas for solving complex problems facing our food system.
Technology and data analytics should transform municipal government, Harvard professors say
October 20, 2014
Rarely is the term “city hall” considered synonymous with the words “innovation” or “efficiency.” Too often, the public image of municipal government is of a…
Freeman, Lazarus discuss legal fate of EPA proposal to toughen emissions rules (video)
October 10, 2014
In a discussion on the EPA's proposed regulations on power-plant emissions, HLS Professors Richard Lazarus and Jody Freeman said that the proposed rules have the potential to both transform the national energy scene and invigorate international climate-change negotiations.
Five Harvard Law School professors presented a sampling of their innovative ideas in late May at the 2014 Harvard Law School Thinks Big lecture, an annual event that challenges faculty to explain those big ideas in short talks.
Crossing Boundaries to Enforce Boundaries
May 15, 2014
When Elise Young ’14 describes the work she is doing with the Digital Problem Solving Initiative, or DPSI, it almost sounds as if she is telling a joke. Three Harvard Law School students, several computerscientists, a physicist and a design student walk into a room.
Privacy (TBD): In the online space, what is private may depend on who you are and where you live
May 15, 2014
As Professor of Practice Urs Gasser sets up his PowerPoint and students deploy their notebooks and laptops, a riff of music drifts by. The tune soon reveals itself as a jazz version of the Beatles classic “Here, There and Everywhere”—a title that’s evocative of the global subject covered in this seminar, Comparative Online Privacy.
Taking Care of Business (and Nonprofits, too)
May 12, 2014
We follow 5 clinical students into the lab, the barbershop and the labyrinth of condominium governance.
School network consortium partners with Cyberlaw Clinic to create privacy toolkit for school systems
May 1, 2014
With the help of the Cyberlaw Clinic, the Consortium of School Networks (“CoSN”) released the Protecting Privacy in Connected Learning Toolkit. The toolkit, issued in March as part of CoSN’s new Protecting Privacy in Connected Learning initiative, provides an in-depth, step-by-step privacy guide is to help school system leaders navigate complex federal laws and related issues.
HLS’s Party Central
April 27, 2014
In a theater district alley in downtown Boston, dozens of Harvard Law students line up to get into the New Orleans-themed Big Easy club. At…
Protecting the Right to Forget
April 17, 2014
As online digital trails grow larger, two Harvard Law students have pioneered a way to help individuals cover their tracks. David S. Gobaud ’15 and…
Harvard’s Berkman Center to launch global network focused on youth-oriented hate speech
April 16, 2014
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University has announced an effort to form a first-of-its-kind thematic network of experts, educators, practitioners, and ambassadors that will facilitate, promote, and strengthen collaboration to counter youth-oriented hate speech online.