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  • photo of Sally Yates

    Sally Yates is Harvard Law School’s 2017 Class Day Speaker

    March 31, 2017

    Sally Yates, former Deputy Attorney General of the United States, will be this year’s speaker for the Class Day ceremonies at Harvard Law School.

  • Judge Reena Reggi smiling

    Judge Reena Raggi ’76 shares highlights from her long career on the federal bench

    March 27, 2017

    In a wide-ranging discussion with Dean Martha Minow, the Hon. Reena Raggi, a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit since 2002, shared her memories of late ’70s HLS, discussed notable cases she decided, and shared her thoughts on what it takes to be a successful prosecutor.

  • Adam Schiff speaking

    Legislating on the World Stage

    March 22, 2017

    In March, speakers at the Harvard Journal on Legislation’s 2017 Symposium, “Legislating on the World Stage,” explored the unique challenges of lawmaking in a context where domestic and international concerns frequently overlap and come into tension with one another.

  • Ray Mabus

    Former Secretary of Navy Ray Mabus discusses law school and leadership

    March 21, 2017

    Former U.S. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus ’75 returned to the Harvard Law School campus on Feb. 8 for a question-and-answer session moderated by HLS Professor William Alford ’77, vice dean for the Graduate Program and International Legal Studies.

  • The writer behind the speeches

    March 17, 2017

    Over the last decade, Sarah Hurwitz ’04 has managed to produce some of the most memorable and important work as a speechwriter for one of the nation’s most gifted orators, Barack Obama, and two of the world’s most commanding and admired women, Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton.

  • Steve Holmes and Chester Finn

    On the importance of self-advocacy

    March 15, 2017

    Disability rights advocates Steve Holmes and Chester Finn spoke to students at Harvard Law School on March 8, in a workshop presented by the Harvard Project on Disability, part of a series of HPOD trainings and advocacy projects supported by a three-year grant from the law firm Jones Day.

  • John F. Manning at podium

    ‘Without the Pretense of Legislative Intent’: John Manning delivers Scalia lecture

    March 13, 2017

    On March 6, John Manning ’85, Harvard Law School deputy dean and Bruce Bromley Professor of Law, delivered a talk, "Without the Pretense of Legislative Intent," as part of the Scalia lecture series at HLS.

  • Grande Lum

    Former DOJ mediator describes ‘active’ neutrality, at HLS symposium

    March 9, 2017

    Grande Lum ’91, former director of the U.S. Justice Department’s Community Relations Service (CRS), was on the Harvard Law campus in February to deliver the keynote address of the Harvard Negotiation Law Review’s 22nd Annual Symposium, “Reflections on the Intersection of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Activism.”

  • Adam Schiff presenting to students

    At HLS, Congressman Schiff frames questions of privacy, security, and Russia’s role in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election

    March 8, 2017

    Congressman Adam Schiff ’85 (D-Calif.) is in the middle of one of the year’s biggest news stories – the investigation of Russia’s role in the last U.S. Presidential election. He brought some perspective on that story to Harvard on Tuesday, when he spoke at this week’s Journal on Legislation symposium.

  • Sen. Ben Cardin

    Cardin at HLS: Russia poses bigger threat to global security than ISIS, China, North Korea

    March 6, 2017

    When Sen. Ben Cardin (D.-MD.) spoke on foreign affairs at Harvard Law School this week, he began by identifying the greatest threat to global security in the world today: Russia, and, by extension, President Donald Trump’s cozy relationship with that country.

  • Antonin Scalia

    Scalia family donates late justice’s papers to Harvard Law School Library

    March 6, 2017

    The family of the late Antonin Scalia ’60, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, has announced that it will donate his papers to the Harvard Law School Library.

  • Sam Garcia

    From the Rio Grande to Amazon

    March 2, 2017

    Influenced by the six years he spent herding goats as a child in the Rio Grande Valley, Harvard Law 1L Sam Garcia has written “How a Goat Was Elected Mayor and the Political Spring That Followed,” a book that explores untold or rarely-heard stories behind upset elections.

  • Michael Sandel in front of class

    To understand Trump, learn from his voters

    February 28, 2017

    During a recent lecture hosted by the Harvard Law School Forum called “Why Trump? What Now?”, Harvard Professor Michael Sandel took a hard look at Donald Trump’s emerging presidency and the social and economic discontent that put him in office.

  • People holding sign that says

    Harvard Legal Aid Bureau takes foreclosure fight to Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court

    February 23, 2017

    On the morning of Jan. 9, Dayne Lee ’17, a student practitioner with the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, slipped into a suit after three sleepless nights leading up to his major argument before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, in a case pitting federally controlled mortgage giant Fannie Mae against homeowner Elvitria Marroquin – a Lynn, Mass. homeowner who has been fighting foreclosure since 2008.

  • Stephen Breyer portrait

    A Workable Democracy: the optimistic project of Justice Stephen Breyer

    February 22, 2017

    Justice Stephen G. Breyer LL.B. ’64 sometimes says that his job and that of other members of the Supreme Court is to speak for the law. He does not mean that justices are Platonic Guardians, with ironclad power to impose their will on the nation despite being unelected. The job calls for deference to the elected branches of government, he emphasizes, and, even more, for caution and doubt. The United States is built on the principles of liberty, he quotes from a famous speech by Judge Learned Hand, and liberty’s spirit is “the spirit which is not too sure that it is right.”

  • HIRC group at conference table

    HIRC files amicus curiae brief in NY case against Trump’s executive orders on immigration

    February 17, 2017

    The Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program filed an amicus curiae brief on February 16 in the Eastern District of New York case against President Trump’s executive orders on immigration -- one of several cases currently challenging the president’s actions on immigration.

  • Khizr Khan

    Khizr Khan, reluctant activist

    February 17, 2017

    Khizr Khan LL.M. '86, the Gold Star father who gained fame for his speech at the Democratic National Convention, joined HLS Professor Intisar A. Rabb, director of the Islamic Legal Studies Program at Harvard Law School, to discuss civil liberties and political action.

  • Alexander Acosta

    Alexander Acosta ’94 nominated to be labor secretary

    February 16, 2017

    Alexander Acosta, a 1994 graduate of Harvard Law School, is President Donald Trump’s pick as the next Secretary of Labor.

  • Langdell

    Skadden Fellowships awarded to five in 2017

    February 15, 2017

    Five Harvard Law School students and recent graduates have been awarded Skadden Fellowships to support their work in public service.

  • Road crossing that reads

    Harvard releases report on effect of Trump’s executive orders on asylum seekers

    February 8, 2017

    Harvard Law School’s Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program has released a report on the effects of President Trump’s Executive Orders on people seeking asylum protection in the United States under long-standing provisions of U.S. and international law, including refugee law and the Convention Against Torture.

  • Talk flyer

    Diversity in the 1L curriculum explored in spring seminar and lecture series

    February 7, 2017

    During this year’s spring semester, Mark Tushnet, the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law, is teaching a novel seminar called “Diversity and Social Justice in First Year Classes.” It combines classroom teaching with an eight-part public lecture series examining how issues of diversity and social justice can be integrated into the core 1L classes.