Celebrating the HLS Bicentennial in Lebanon

HLSA of Arabia President Karim Kobeissi LL.M. ’00 (11th from left) and other alumni and guests posed with Lebanese President Michel Aoun (12th from left) at the Baabda Palace. The palace visit was part of a two-day conference which included a panel discussion on the rule of law in Arab countries and visits to unique cultural sites. The conference was among a series of HLSA events this year marking the school’s bicentennial.
Innovation Symposium Draws Alumni from Across Harvard

HLS Professor Susan Crawford (left) moderated a discussion on artificial intelligence at the March Symposium on Innovation at Bloomberg headquarters co-sponsored by the HLSA of New York City and the Harvard Alumni Association. Panelists included (from left) Jerry Ting ’18, Victor Santos, Adam Nguyen ’02 and Jamie Hale (HBS ’99). The program also featured seminars on innovation in finance and innovation and society. The event was organized by HLSA of New York President Salvo Arena LL.M. ’00.
Access to Justice

HLS Professor Jim Greiner (right) spoke about how rigorous research could help guide policies and decisions in the U.S. legal system, resulting in greater access to justice for individuals and families who cannot afford to hire lawyers. His talk was a highlight of the HLSA of Arizona’s February meeting at Snell & Wilmer in Phoenix.
A Salute to HLS Judges on the D.C. Circuit

In May, members of the HLSA of Washington, D.C., attended an event recognizing the judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, including (from left) Judge Gregory Katsas ’89, Judge Cornelia T.L. Pillard ’87, Judge Judith Rogers ’64, Chief Judge Merrick Garland ’77, Judge Patricia Millett ’88, Judge Robert Wilkins ’89 and Judge Laurence Silberman ’61.
A Grand HLSAE Reunion in Rome

Dean John F. Manning ’85 spoke at the Palazzo del Quirinale with Sergio Mattarella, the president of Italy (left), as part of the Harvard Law School Association of Europe’s Annual Reunion in May. During the four-day event, 320 alumni from around the world including from India, the Philippines, Russia, Hong Kong and the United States attended. Over 50 percent of the alumni attending graduated within the last 10 years. The program included a private visit to the Colosseum, the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel and Palazzo Colonna. It also featured four panels on topics from anti-corruption to Brexit. In addition to Italy’s president, alumni met Maria Casellati, president of the Senate, and Giorgio Lattanzi, the president of the Italian Supreme Court. The Harvard Law School Association award was presented to Emanuele Turco LL.M. ’67 at the Saturday gala. The event was organized by HLSA of Europe President Salvo Arena LL.M. ’00.
An Evening with Rep. Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff ’85, who represents the 28th Congressional District of California and is the ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, spoke about national security and the global threat to our democracy at a meeting of the HLSA of Massachusetts held in April at Foley Hoag in Boston.
A Dramatic Visit

Over 50 alumni from the newly minted HLSA Parody and Drama Society Alumni Network returned to Cambridge on Feb. 24 for an afternoon “Paraoke” (Parody karaoke) reunion event at the Lizard Lounge in Cambridge, and to enjoy this year’s show (they are pictured above). The network’s president, Nicole Kinsley ’11, sent this report:
Highlights from the event included a very funny speech by George Kelley ’62 about getting suckered into producing the first HLS show (Kelley didn’t know the show had outlived his involvement until reading an article about it in the Bulletin last fall), and an a cappella performance by Bruce Ryder ’79 of a song about Drama Society camaraderie, after which several alumni were spotted rubbing their eyes and mumbling something vague about allergies.
Alumni who attended were appreciative of the warm welcome from the current students and amused by their sass—during the introduction of the show, they touted it as the best Parody in history, which was very pointedly directed at the alumni. Much jeering ensued.
The majority of the attendees were post-2000 graduates, but we hope to see those demographics shift. Many alumni from the ’60s through ’90s have reached out to our historian or to me, and talked about how much the Drama Society still means to them. A major focus going forward will be harnessing that enthusiasm to encourage them to join us for future events.