Today Posts
Celestial reasonings
April 1, 2007
As a teenager, Ted Vosk had become homeless after a “messy home situation led to a mutual agreement” between Vosk and his parents: He left, and they kicked him out. After some time on the streets, a friend who was in college invited him to sit in on an astronomy class.
Part monk, part riddler
April 1, 2007
Randy Komisar’s trajectory from corporate counsel to executive to “virtual CEO” to author to venture capitalist was not at all planned. “My career makes sense only in a rearview mirror,” says Komisar ’81.
Envoy for justice
April 1, 2007
Yash Pal Ghai LL.M. ’63 has spent his professional life quietly advising countries ravaged by war and colonialism on how to use the law to build democratic societies. Recently, though, his work has received extensive coverage, particularly in Asia, for his sharp criticisms of Cambodia’s current human rights record—and the even sharper response of that country’s prime minister, Hun Sen.
Litigating the new frontier
April 1, 2007
An ambitious new player has appeared on the Internet scene, determined to dominate the flow of information across the Web.
Hearsay: Short takes from faculty op-eds Spring 2007
April 1, 2007
What [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad’s conference [of Holocaust deniers] proclaims is that truth has no place in the world of politics; that if your ends are just, you can say anything, no matter how far-fetched.
When threatened in court by the leader of a death squad known for killing its victims with chainsaws, Brazilian prosecutor Raquel Ferreira Dodge was undeterred.
Corporate governance in the new global economy
April 1, 2007
During the past year alone, our professors have made headlines on issues ranging from executive compensation to shareholder rights to the Sarbanes-Oxley reforms—and as you’ll…
Freund’s path
April 1, 2007
HLS library exhibit highlights the papers of Professor Paul Freund, 1908-1992 Paper abounded in Professor Paul Freund’s office; the stacks left only a narrow path…
“Oyez! Oyez!—Oy Vey…”
April 1, 2007
Professor Carol Steiker ’86 helped persuade the Court to overturn a trio of Texas death sentences in April, convincing the justices that jurors weren’t given the opportunity to take mitigating evidence into account.
Labor’s laborer
April 1, 2007
When Paul Tobias ’58 was not yet 30, he wrote to Herbert Hoover, Carl Jung and several hundred others, seeking advice on turning 70.
The Knight of Mindoro
April 1, 2007
As a young girl growing up in the 1930s on a small island in the Philippines, Erlinda Arce Ignacio Espiritu LL.M. ’51 found inspiration to become a lawyer in the legends of the Knights of the Round Table.
Diversified Portfolio
April 1, 2007
Harvard Law School's corporate law scholars like to collaborate--across a global array of subjects.
The view from the boardroom
April 1, 2007
When Jim Clark, chairman of online photo sharing giant Shutterfly, resigned from his company’s board of directors in January, he became the first CEO to blame the Sarbanes-Oxley Act for his departure, saying the law had taken reform too far and had crimped his ability to lead.
In D.C., no rush to roll back “sox”
April 1, 2007
A year ago, it looked as if the Sarbanes-Oxley Act might face a serious overhaul after its two principal authors, Rep. Michael Oxley (R-Ohio) and Sen. Paul Sarbanes ’60 (D-Md.), retired from Congress at the end of 2006.
April 1, 2007
U.S. capital markets are losing ground to foreign competitors. A Harvard-led team wants to get it back, and some powerful people are paying attention.
Recent Faculty Books – Spring 2007
April 1, 2007
“Criminal Procedure Stories” (Foundation Press, 2006), edited by Professor Carol Steiker ’86, presents the stories behind the major Supreme Court rulings that have shaped criminal procedure.
Reaching out to practitioners and policy-makers
April 1, 2007
One of the main goals of the recently established Program on Corporate Governance is to strengthen ties between academia—especially HLS—and the worlds of practice and policy-making.
The Shareholders’ Champion
April 1, 2007
An HLS professor is "the Elvis Presley of shareholder activism." And one of his fans is a key player in China.
Over the past 30 years, feminists have struggled to make domestic violence a public issue. But in a recent Yale Law Journal article, Assistant Professor Jeannie Suk ’02 takes a critical look at the use of protection orders by a criminal justice system that may now be too involved in private life.