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Today Posts

  • People standing at polling station

    Voting rights, big money and Citizens United: Scholars explore issues in election law

    September 15, 2016

    With the U.S. presidential election weeks away, Harvard Law Today offers a look back at what scholars from campus and beyond had to say in recent months about democracy's challenges in a series of talks on Election Law.

  • Jonathan Zittrain at the front of a classroom.

    Why the internet matters: a talk by Jonathan Zittrain

    September 14, 2016

    ‘Why does the Internet matter?’ Harvard Law School professor Jonathan Zittrain asked his audience this question during a talk last week at the newly-named Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. The answer, it seems, parallels the history, mission and ethos of the center itself.

  • Climate change: Has the EPA gone overboard?

    September 13, 2016

    Professor Jody Freeman, founding director of the Harvard Law School Environmental Law and Policy Program, participated in an Intelligence Squared debate on the EPA's bold initiative to reduce carbon pollution at power plants.

  • Report equips advocates to work together to tackle challenges of Criminal Justice Debt

    September 8, 2016

    Harvard Law School’s Criminal Justice Policy Program and the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) have released Confronting Criminal Justice Debt: A Comprehensive Project for Reform, a collaborative project that focuses on the financial costs of the criminal justice system.

  • 9/11 Memorial

    15 years later, Harvard Law reflects on 9/11

    September 8, 2016

    In commemoration of the 15th anniversary of 9/11, Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow asked faculty, alumni and staff to share brief personal reflections about that day and the post-9/11 world in which we live.

  • 15 Years Later: Immigration and 9/11

    September 8, 2016

    By Deborah Anker, Sabrineh Ardalan '02 and Phil Torrey: Fifteen years later, HIRC continues to represent clients affected by post-9/11 enforcement measures. In addition to winning asylum for hundreds of refugees, HIRC has successfully advocated for the government to release mothers and children from family detention centers in South Texas. Continue Reading »

  • Attendees taking a selfie together

    Welcome to HLS

    September 7, 2016

    Orientation for new students in the J.D., LL.M. and S.J.D. programs wrapped up last week. They were kept busy with ice cream socials, campus tours, lawn games, a visit from Judge Merrick Garland and section photos, capped off with a welcome by Dean Martha Minow in Sanders Theatre.

  • Can international law keep up with organized violence?

    September 7, 2016

    By Gabby Blum LL.M. '01 S.J.D. '03 and Naz Modirzadeh '02: Committed to the notion that international law can play a role in shaping conduct, including in war, the attacks of 9/11 — and the ensuing violence and warfare — have forced us to face the weaknesses of our current legal regimes and address the challenges that they must be able to withstand. Continue Reading »

  • Khizr_Khan_August_2016

    A citizen’s constitution

    September 6, 2016

    In a speech lasting six minutes and one second, Khizr Khan, LL.M. ’86, whose son Capt. Humayun Khan was killed in Iraq, stepped out from behind the curtain of private pain and into the public spotlight, attracting worldwide attention.

  • Health Law and Policy Center launches advocacy campaign for people living with HIV

    September 6, 2016

    The Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation of Harvard Law School (CHLPI) is undertaking a new advocacy campaign to enforce the health care rights guaranteed by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for people living with HIV and other chronic conditions.

  • U.S. leadership cannot turn its back on human rights and international law

    September 6, 2016

    By Gerald Neuman ’80 and Tyler Giannini: We must always be the opponents, not the perpetrators, of murder and torture and degrading treatment. Continue Reading »

  • Gratitude for those who have served our country and supported our veterans

    September 6, 2016

    By Jonathan Nomamiukor ’14: The reality that over one million people have died during the War on Terror, including over 10,000 Americans, is often lost on folks like me who don’t have to face the byproducts of war. Continue Reading »

  • We should never forget

    September 6, 2016

    By Kevin Moody: Many people feel that expanded governmental oversight and other regulations have encroached upon the freedoms that we enjoyed in the pre-9/11 era; however, the domestic and international air travel system has been made more secure because of these very changes. Continue Reading »

  • Answering the call to service

    September 6, 2016

    By Joseph Goodwin '13: Within our ranks were every race, class, socioeconomic background and ideology. And yet, despite these differences we were molded to work together as a team, to abandon ego and entitlements and come together in order to accomplish a shared mission. Continue Reading »

  • Remembering 9/11

    September 6, 2016

    By Charles Fried: Lincoln understood the difference between departure from the letter of the law in an unprecedented emergency and violation of universal precepts of human dignity. President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, Secretary Rumsfeld, John Yoo as well as those who indiscriminately condemned the post-9/11 responses of these men did not.

  • Known / Unknown

    September 6, 2016

    By Robb London: Everyone seemed to know someone — or someone who knew someone — who had perished. I thought I was insulated from this by distance. Continue Reading »

  • Trading liberty for security

    September 6, 2016

    By Adrian Vermeule '93: Thanks largely to initiatives by Presidents of both parties, American law and policy has adapted flexibly to the new environment, trading off some liberty for greater gains in security. Continue Reading »

  • A homeland under threat: assessing what to do

    September 6, 2016

    By Juliette Kayyem '95: Fifteen years from now, the threats will be different, but my hope is the next generation of security specialists will do better in equipping the public with the resources and education so they will be better at assessing what, in fact, they should do. Continue Reading »

  • Cybersecurity post-9/11

    September 6, 2016

    By Vivek Krishnamurthy: Cybersecurity is ultimately more like public health than traditional security in that our defenses as a society depend on the immunity of every networked device to an attack. There is no good way to raise the overall level of our cybersecurity without incidentally protecting those actors in our midst with malevolent aims. Continue Reading »

  • The hardest legal issue is addressing domestic terrorism

    September 6, 2016

    By Philip Heymann '63: The perpetrators of the terrorist attacks in Paris, Brussels, San Bernadino, Orlando, and Boston were all on some form of terrorist “watch list.” Although regarded as a danger, the government could not, it generally explained, afford to surveil the suspect’s activities over a long period. He was one of many and each would require many officers for full time surveillance. Continue Reading »

  • Endless secret war is a constitutional time bomb

    September 5, 2016

    By Jack L. Goldsmith: The 'Forever War' has posed enormous challenges to our constitutional system, which assumes that war will be exceptional, not perpetual. Continue Reading »