Teaching & Learning
Privacy (TBD): In the online space, what is private may depend on who you are and where you live
May 15, 2014
As Professor of Practice Urs Gasser sets up his PowerPoint and students deploy their notebooks and laptops, a riff of music drifts by. The tune soon reveals itself as a jazz version of the Beatles classic “Here, There and Everywhere”—a title that’s evocative of the global subject covered in this seminar, Comparative Online Privacy.
Koh receives 2014 Great Negotiator Award (video)
May 13, 2014
Ambassador Tommy Koh LL.M. ’64 of Singapore was recently presented with the 2014 Great Negotiator Award by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and the Harvard Kennedy School’s Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.
Of Sammelbands, Coutumes and Broadsides
May 6, 2014
A current exhibit in HLS Library’s Historical & Special Collections department highlights some new and unusual acquisitions, many of which were meant to be accessible to people untrained in the law.
Esme Caramello '99 has been appointed Clinical Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Caramello has been a lecturer on law and clinical instructor at the law school as well as deputy director of the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau.
Christopher T. Bavitz has been appointed Clinical Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Bavitz has been a Clinical Instructor and Lecturer on Law at HLS and is Managing Director of the Cyberlaw Clinic at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society.
Martha Minow’s sense of purpose
April 23, 2014
Dean Martha Minow of the Law School follows E.O. Wilson in the Harvard Gazette's Experience series, interviews with Harvard faculty covering the reasons they became teachers and scholars, and the personal journeys, missteps included, behind their professional success.
Berkman Center announces leadership transition
April 18, 2014
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society has announced a significant leadership transition as Professor William (Terry) Fisher steps down after 12 years as Chair of the Board of Directors and Professor Jonathan Zittrain, the co-founder of the Berkman Center and Vice Dean for Library and Information Resources at Harvard Law School, assumes the role. The change will be effective as of July 1, 2014.
Harvard’s Berkman Center to launch global network focused on youth-oriented hate speech
April 16, 2014
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University has announced an effort to form a first-of-its-kind thematic network of experts, educators, practitioners, and ambassadors that will facilitate, promote, and strengthen collaboration to counter youth-oriented hate speech online.
Stilt to join Harvard Law faculty
April 10, 2014
Kristen A. Stilt, a leading expert on Islamic Law and society, will join the faculty of Harvard Law School beginning September 2014, with an appointment as Professor of Law.
The first volume of the Journal of Law and the Biosciences (JLB) was recently published by Oxford University Press. The new peer-reviewed, open access, online…
Harvard Law Library programs recognized for innovation
March 21, 2014
The Stanford Prize for Innovation in Research Libraries (SPIRL) has recognized two Harvard Law School Library Programs, Stacklife and Library Cloud, for their innovation and functionality on campus and in the community.
When Clayton Christensen, professor at Harvard Business School and best-selling author of “The Innovator’s Dilemma,” coined the term “disruptive innovation,” he wasn’t focusing on the world of law.
A day in the life of Harvard Law
March 14, 2014
Because legal education demands rigorous discussion and exchange, because legal imagination springs from bridging theory and practice, and because Harvard Law School recruits and develops superb students from all over the world to pursue lives of leadership, the school commissioned space designed precisely for these purposes. Here's a look at the spaces that are part of the Harvard Law School experience.
‘Inspiring Change, Inspiring Us’: an HLS photo exhibit
March 10, 2014
In honor of International Women’s Day, Harvard Law School is hosting a photo exhibit, “Inspiring Change, Inspiring Us,” featuring portraits of influential women.
Changing the Climate of Environmental Law
March 7, 2014
Having completed its first phase of growth, the Harvard Law School Environmental Law and Policy Program is now looking to strengthen and build. “We’ve gone from zero to 100 in a very short period of time,” says HLS Professor Jody Freeman, program founder and director. “And I feel as if we are just getting started.”
Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Mindy Kaling, actress, comedian and writer, were selected as this year’s speakers for the Class Day ceremonies at Harvard Law School.
David Barron: a Q&A on electronic communications policies
February 28, 2014
Last year, Harvard President Drew Faust asked Harvard Law School Professor David Barron ’94 to lead a 14-member task force that would make forward-looking recommendations regarding Harvard’s policies on electronic communications. Barron, who was acting assistant attorney general for the Office of Legal Counsel in the U.S. Department of Justice from 2009 to 2010, discussed the task force’s recently-released report and proposed policy with the Harvard Gazette.
Harvard Law School appoints Dr. Heath Tarbert as a fellow of the Program on International Financial Systems
February 28, 2014
Dr. Heath Tarbert, a partner of the global law firm of Allen & Overy, has been appointed as a non-resident fellow of the Harvard Law School Program on International Financial Systems (PIFS).
Massachusetts High Court rules warrants needed for cellphone tracking; Cyberlaw Clinic submits supporting brief
February 21, 2014
On Tuesday, the Supreme Judicial Court ruled in Commonwealth v. Augustine that the Massachusetts constitution prohibits law enforcement officials from gathering cellphone records that…
Sunstein among recipients of American Library Association award
February 20, 2014
The President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies is this year’s recipient of the American Library Association’s James Madison Award. The Group, created last year by President Barack Obama ’91, includes Harvard Law School professor Cass R. Sunstein ‘78, who was administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs from 2009 to 2012.
Student Privacy and Cloud Computing in the K-12 Edtech Space: A new report from the Berkman Center
February 20, 2014
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society’s Student Policy Initiative has released a new report, Student Privacy and Cloud Computing at the District Level: Next Steps and Key Issues, recommending next steps and priorities in the K-12 educational technology (edtech) space.