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Faculty Scholarship

  • Michael Klarman to join HLS faculty

    January 24, 2008

    University of Virginia School of Law Professor Michael J. Klarman has accepted an offer to join the Harvard Law School faculty with tenure this summer.

  • Jack Goldsmith on American Institutions and the Trump Presidency

    Goldsmith receives honorable mention for book

    January 18, 2008

    Harvard Law School Professor Jack Goldsmith’s book, “Who Controls the Internet? Illusions of a Borderless World,” received an honorable mention from Scribes, The American Society of Legal Writers. Goldsmith and co-author Tim Wu were one of two honorable mentions for 2007.

  • Noah Feldman portrait

    Iraq is a vanishing issue in the presidential election, Professor Noah Feldman says

    January 14, 2008

    The following article, Vanishing Act , written by Harvard Law School Professor Noah Feldman, was published in the New York Times Magazine on January 13, 2007.

  • Bebchuk ranks first among law professors on SSRN

    January 11, 2008

    Statistics released by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) show that, as of the end of 2007, the works of Harvard Law School Professor Lucian Bebchuk LL.M. '80 S.J.D. '84 have been downloaded more than the work of any other law professor.

  • Mary Ann Glendon receives Evangelium Vitae Medal

    Glendon becomes U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See

    January 7, 2008

    Harvard Law School Professor Mary Ann Glendon's nomination to become the new U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See was confirmed by the Senate late last month, after President Bush announced the nomination on November 5.

  • Noah Feldman portrait

    Professor Noah Feldman examines Mormonism and presidential politics

    January 7, 2008

    The following article, What is it about Mormonism?, written by Harvard Law School Professor Noah Feldman, was published in the New York Times Magazine on January 6, 2007.

  • An op-ed by Professor Robert Bordone: Slow healing in the Catholic Church

    January 2, 2008

    The following op-ed, Slow healing in the Catholic Church, co-written by Harvard Law School Professor Robert Bordone '97 and Reverend Robert J. Bowers, was published in the Boston Globe on January 1, 2007.

  • Noah Feldman portrait

    Six questions for Professor Noah Feldman

    December 21, 2007

    The following interview will be published in the January 2008 issue of Harvard Law Today. Professor Noah Feldman, who joined the faculty in 2007, is an expert in constitutional law -- with a special focus on the interplay between law and religion -- and international and comparative law.

  • Professor Charles Fried

    An op-ed by Professor Charles Fried: The limits of law

    October 23, 2007

    The following op-ed, The limits of law, written by HLS Professor Charles Fried, was published in The Boston Globe on October 23, 2007.

  • Professor Robert H. Sitkoff

    Sitkoff named an up and coming lawyer for 2007

    September 27, 2007

    Harvard Law School Professor Robert H. Sitkoff has been named one of Lawyers Weekly’s up and coming lawyers of 2007. A leading expert in trusts and estates, Sitkoff joined the HLS faculty this year.

  • Professor Lucian Bebchuk

    Bebchuk named to list of 100 most influential players in corporate governance

    September 14, 2007

    Harvard Law School Professor Lucian Bebchuk’s LL.M. '80 S.J.D. '84 work on executive pay has netted him a spot on Directorship Magazine’s list of the 100 most influential players in corporate governance in the United States.

  • Laurence Tribe

    Vox Populi

    September 2, 2007

    For students in Harvard Law School's Supreme Court litigation clinic, helping Laurence Tribe get ready for a constitutional argument is like being in the eye of a storm.

  • Hearsay: Short takes from faculty op-eds Summer 2007

    July 1, 2007

    Supreme Confusion Professor Charles Fried
    The New York Times, April 26
    “[The Supreme Court’s decision in the partial-birth abortion case is] disturbing because Justice Kennedy…

  • Recent Faculty Books – Summer 2007

    July 1, 2007

    In “Blasphemy: How the Religious Right Is Hijacking Our Declaration of Independence” (John Wiley & Sons, 2007), Professor Alan M. Dershowitz contends that fundamentalist Christian political activists are misusing the declaration to Christianize America.

  • Boardwalk, Park Place—and The Hague

    July 1, 2007

    Headlines on any given day underscore the increasing globalization of antitrust law and economics—for example, “Apple iTunes charged by EC with restrictive pricing practices.”

  • Professor Randall Kennedy

    The Purity of the Strain

    July 1, 2007

    Since presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama ’91 launched his campaign earlier this year, some have questioned whether Americans are ready to elect a black president.

  • Professor Hal Scott

    Leaders gather to discuss opportunities for the China, U.S. financial relationship

    June 22, 2007

    This weekend, leaders from the financial sectors of the United States and China will gather in Half Moon Bay, Calif., at a symposium organized by Harvard Law School’s Program on International Financial Systems and the China Development Research Foundation to examine issues affecting the financial relationship between the two countries.

  • Bebchuk elected president of the American Law and Economics Association

    May 14, 2007

    In its annual meeting this month, the American Law and Economics Association elected Harvard Law School Professor Lucian Bebchuk, LL.M. ’80 and S.J.D. ’84 as its president. In accordance with the association's traditions, Bebchuk delivered a presidential address at the meeting.

  • In legal scholarship, what defines staying power?

    April 1, 2007

    What does it mean to 'think like a lawyer' - in particular, an American lawyer? After wrestling with that question for years, Harvard Law Professors David Kennedy '80 and William W. Fisher III '82 have given us an anthology of the law review articles they believe yield the answer.

  • Charles Fried

    Hearsay: Short takes from faculty op-eds Spring 2007

    April 1, 2007

    What [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad’s conference [of Holocaust deniers] proclaims is that truth has no place in the world of politics; that if your ends are just, you can say anything, no matter how far-fetched.

  • “Oyez! Oyez!—Oy Vey…”

    April 1, 2007

    Professor Carol Steiker ’86 helped persuade the Court to overturn a trio of Texas death sentences in April, convincing the justices that jurors weren’t given the opportunity to take mitigating evidence into account.