Statistics released by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) show that, as of the end of 2007, the works of Harvard Law School Professor Lucian Bebchuk LL.M. ’80 S.J.D. ’84 have been downloaded more than the work of any other law professor.
The list of the top 100 law professors, based on the total number of downloads of their work, includes five additional HLS faculty members: Reinier Kraakman (13), Steven Shavell (18), Mark Roe (32), Allen Ferrell (41), and Louis Kaplow (51). The group also includes senior research fellow Alma Cohen (40) and visiting professors Jesse Fried (23), Jonathan Zittrain (37), Russell Korobkin (52), and Ian Ayres (68).
Bebchuk is the William J. Friedman and Alicia Townsend Friedman Professor of Law, Economics, and Finance and director of the Program on Corporate Governance. He is author of the widely acclaimed “Pay without Performance: The Unfulfilled Promise of Executive Compensation.” Bebchuk was recently named as one of the most influential players in corporate governance.
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