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Alumni Focus

  • Yvonne M. Anderson '96 ('02)

    Testimony: An Essay by Yvonne M. Anderson ’96 (’02)

    September 24, 2002

    Why I Left Harvard Law School . . . and Why I Came Back Again

  • City Councilman Julian Castro

    Their Politics Is Local

    September 24, 2002

    While many young people disdain the political process, some recent HLS alumni seek elective office to help their communities

  • Jennifer Granholm '87

    Catch a Rising Star

    September 24, 2002

    Five years ago, Jennifer Granholm '87 was a political unknown. Now she is working nonstop on the campaign trail to get people to know her, believe in her, and make her the next governor of Michigan.

  • Patricia Schroeder '64

    Patricia S. Schroeder ’64

    September 24, 2002

    Known for her tart tongue and her tears (when she announced that she wouldn't run for president in 1988), Patricia Schroeder knew how to get things done in Congress, including the passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act.

  • Michael Dukakis

    Michael S. Dukakis

    September 24, 2002

    When he was an HLS student, Michael Dukakis ran for his first office and was elected a member of the Brookline, Mass., Town Meeting.

  • John B. Anderson

    John B. Anderson

    September 24, 2002

    Once a reliable Midwestern Republican, John Anderson changed his views and then changed the dynamics of modern presidential races with his third-party candidacy in 1980.

  • Caspar Weinberger

    Caspar W. Weinberger

    September 24, 2002

    Caspar Weinberger is, in many ways, the modern-day author of the Art of War.

  • Colorful dragapella performers

    A Night at the Dragapella

    September 24, 2002

    They say you can be anything you want with a Harvard Law degree.

  • Illustration: woman wagging finger to a burglar after breaking into her house

    Bottomless Wits

    September 24, 2002

    Trying to guilt trip a burglar when you catch him red-handed in your apartment is not a good idea, says Kathleen Tarr '95, especially if you're half naked.

  • Wendy Seltzer '99

    Weather Report

    September 24, 2002

    When the World Wide Web first reached buzzword status in the mid-1990s, corporate presence on the Internet was comparatively small.

  • Illustration: Burger sitting on the judge's stand

    Food Fight

    September 24, 2002

    The new battle against fast food has found an important ally in Richard Daynard '67, president of the Tobacco Control Resource Center at Northeastern University School of Law.

  • This Goose Ain’t Cooked

    September 24, 2002

    At least you're alive.That's what Sydney Altman '93 thought when friends began complaining about graying hair, sagging buttocks, dormant libido, and various other afflictions that beset people of a certain age--her age, that is.

  • Farmhouse

    The Haunting of Hillsborough House

    September 24, 2002

    Former Harvard Law student John Bickford still hangs around his family home, though the Hillsborough, N.H., farmhouse where he grew up is now a bed-and-breakfast, his parents are dead--and so is he.

  • Jamienne Studley

    Higher Education

    September 6, 2002

    Jamienne Studley '75 has been trying to change academic institutions for a long time. Now, as head of Skidmore College, she's finally getting paid to do it.

  • Karen Freeman-Wilson

    Courting Recovery

    September 1, 2002

    It wasn't long before newly elected Judge Karen Freeman-Wilson '85 began to know the defendants by their first names--they just kept coming back to her Gary, Ind., courtroom.

  • Jim Haynes

    For the Defense

    September 1, 2002

    War has a way of finding Jim Haynes '83. Just six months after President George Bush appointed him general counsel of the Army in 1990, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, sparking the Persian Gulf War.

  • Irene Khan

    Practitioner of Conscience

    September 1, 2002

    Amnesty International still fights torture, arbitrary detention, and unfair trials, says Secretary General Irene Khan LL.M. '79, but now it's also taking on hunger, illiteracy, and discrimination.

  • Weldon Rougeau

    The Fire This Time

    September 1, 2002

    It took Weldon Rougeau '72 only 90 seconds to get himself expelled from college.

  • David Erne with fugitive Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic

    Freelance Diplomat

    September 1, 2002

    In 30 years of practicing law, corporate bankruptcy attorney David Erne '68 had been in many negotiations--but none like this one.

  • Robert

    Man of Steel

    September 1, 2002

    When Robert "Steve" Miller Jr. '66 got a call from Bethlehem Steel's board last year asking him to assume the flagging company's reins as chairman and CEO, he accepted in a matter of hours.

  • Karen Ferguson

    Pension Plans

    September 1, 2002

    Years before Enron's collapse spotlighted the vulnerability of employee retirement savings, Karen Ferguson '65 was immersed in what she half-jokingly refers to as the "arcane" area of pension law.