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Alumni Focus

  • Ralph Nader at HLS: The constitutional crimes of Bush and Obama

    February 10, 2012

    Ralph Nader ’58 and Bruce Fein ’72 visited Harvard Law School for a talk sponsored by the HLS Forum and the Harvard Law Record. At the event, “America's Lawless Empire: The Constitutional Crimes of Bush and Obama,” both men discussed what they called lawless, violent practices by the White House and its agencies that have become institutionalized by both political parties.

  • ‘Defending unpopular positions is what lawyers do’ says Paul Clement ’92

    January 31, 2012

    There are two things former U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement ’92 won’t do: Tell you where he stands on same-sex marriage, and grouse about the controversy that enveloped him last spring when he resigned from his law firm in order to continue defending U.S. House of Representatives Republicans in litigation over the Defense of Marriage Act.

  • The Proof Is in the Returns

    January 1, 2012

    By the time Tope Lawani ’95 started law school, he knew he would not likely spend his career practicing law. Already the impact of his Nigerian childhood and a captivation with investment markets had planted the seed of an idea that would eventually pull him back to his homeland in hopes of reaping great returns for investors—and for Africa itself.

  • Ben Ferencz

    The Closer

    January 1, 2012

    On Aug. 25, Benjamin B. Ferencz ’43, who served as a chief prosecutor in the Nuremberg Trials, made the concluding remarks for the prosecution in the International Criminal Court’s first case.

  • Dispatch from Haiti

    January 1, 2012

    In September, Sarah Carlson ’07 and Kobelah Bennah ’08 sent this update: “This past April, we left our Big Law jobs in Manhattan, got married and moved into a tent in Haiti.

  • Authors and Auteurs: Books and movies by HLS alumni

    December 6, 2011

    “War Don Don” by Rebecca Richman Cohen ’07. Winner of the Special Jury Award at the South by Southwest Film Festival, this film explores the…

  • Laurent Cohen-Tanug

    The Shape of the World to Come

    December 6, 2011

    Thirty years ago, Laurent Cohen-Tanugi embraced internationalism by leaving France to attend HLS. Today, as a leading international lawyer and public intellectual, he is an architect of a European strategy for globalization.

  • Bandwidth

    December 6, 2011

    Regulating digital communications is like trying to control an explosion. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski ’91 brings a full spectrum of skills to the job.

  • Recent Graduates Council: Creating Connections for Young Alumni

    December 6, 2011

    When he was in law school, T. J. Duane ’02 set up HL Central, to make it easier for fellow students to network and socialize. More than a decade later, he wanted to do something similar for young alumni.

  • Kenneth I. Chenault ’76

    Leadership Profile: A Conversation with Kenneth I. Chenault ’76

    December 6, 2011

    Kenneth I. Chenault ’76, chairman and CEO of American Express, is widely considered one of the most successful and talented business strategists of our time. Joining AmEx in 1981 as director of strategic planning, he was named president and COO in 1997, and CEO and chairman in 2001. Chenault is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Business Roundtable.

  • “You can use your experiences to educate the next generation”

    December 1, 2011

    A self-proclaimed “political junkie,” Bryson Morgan ’11 worked after college for the Utah Democratic Party and saw firsthand the influence special interest groups and lobbyists can have on the political process.

  • Siddhartha Yog M.B.A. ’04

    Yog gift to Harvard includes financial aid and fellowship fund at HLS

    November 17, 2011

    Siddhartha Yog, M.B.A. ’04, founder and managing partner of The Xander Group Inc., an India-focused, emerging-markets investment firm, has given the University $11,000,001 to establish two new professorships, fellowships and financial aid, and an intellectual entrepreneurship fund.

  • Military panel with HLS Alumni

    OPIA sponsors “Careers in the Military” panel with HLS alums

    November 14, 2011

    Law students interested in a law firm career can attend firm-sponsored meet-and-greets to speak with associates. Students interested in public interest careers can meet one-on-one with visiting alumni advisors. But HLS students interested in military careers have fewer chances to mingle with those who have pursued that path. To provide that opportunity, OPIA welcomed to HLS five alumni who have served in the armed forces, to provide guidance and answer student questions.

  • Justices Breyer and Souter reminisce on law school and High Court experience

    November 4, 2011

    At HLS Reunion Weekend last weekend, Justices Breyer and Souter (who retired from the court in 2009) exchanged good-humored banter and insights about their service on the nation’s highest court, in an event, “A Conversation with the Justices,” moderated by HLS Dean Martha Minow.

  • Hausers donate $40 million to Harvard University

    October 19, 2011

    Harvard University has announced that Harvard Law School alums Rita E. and Gustave M. Hauser have given the University $40 million to support excellence and innovation in learning and teaching at Harvard.

  • The Supreme Court

    Thirteen Harvard Law grads are U.S. Supreme Court clerks for 2011-2012

    October 12, 2011

    Of the 39 law school graduates serving as clerks to the U.S. Supreme Court justices and retired justices in the 2011-2012 term, 13 hail from Harvard Law School—the highest number from a single law school this year.

  • Attendees walking to the event

    Leadership in the 21st Century is the focus of the 3rd Black Alumni reunion

    September 30, 2011

    Seven hundred alumni and guests gathered in Cambridge on September 16-18 to commemorate the 3rd Celebration of Black Alumni at Harvard Law School. With more black lawyers entering the profession than ever before—and more achieving positions of prominence and power, the event, “Struggle and Progress: Leadership in the 21st Century,” focused on the progress that has been made and the barriers that remain.

  • On a return visit, Kagan shares insights on life in the law

    September 19, 2011

    Before an overflow crowd of students and faculty in the Ames Courtroom, U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Elena Kagan ’86 and HLS Dean Martha Minow engaged in a wide-ranging conversation about the current high court, Kagan’s storied career, and other issues during the Honorable S. William Green Lecture in Public Law, established by Patricia Freiberg Green in honor of her husband Congressman Bill Green ‘53.

  • Lawyers Weekly to honor Harvard alumnae

    August 25, 2011

    Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly has chosen six Harvard Law School alumnae to be honored as “Top Women of Law” this September in Boston.  The award seeks to highlight the work of women who are trailblazers, educators and role models in their fields and who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in social justice, advocacy and business.

  • 1,000 words

    August 9, 2011

    “Through the Eyes of the Vikings: An Aerial Vision of Arctic Lands” (National Geographic Press, 2010) is the glimmering result and Haas’ third book of aerial photography.

  • Matan Koch ’05

    Matan Koch ’05 nominated to National Council on Disability

    August 3, 2011

    Matan Koch ’05, an associate at Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel, was nominated by President Barack Obama ’91 to serve as a member of the National Council on Disability.