Alumni Focus
Siblings in the Struggle
May 9, 2014
Inspired by legendary lawyers, a brother and sister set out to change the world.
Main Injustice
May 9, 2014
Without prosecutions, the risk of another financial crisis is greater,says a prominent federal judge.
A conversation with Bertram Fields ’52
May 5, 2014
There is no one in Hollywood—indeed, throughout the entire entertainment industry—who doesn’t know the name Bert Fields.
Two receive the Gary Bellow Public Service Award
April 24, 2014
In an April 16th ceremony, Harvard Law School student Jessica Frisina ’14 and alumnus David Singleton ’91 were honored with the Gary Bellow Public Service Award.
In Memoriam: Michael Weiner ‘86
April 16, 2014
In a tribute to his colleague and HLS classmate, Dave Prouty '86, general counsel of the Major League Baseball Players Association, described Michael Weiner ‘86 as the “most beloved man in baseball.”
Harvard Law School has announced that Bertram Fields, one of the nation’s most renowned entertainment lawyers, has made a gift of $5 million to Harvard Law School to endow the Bertram Fields Professorship of Law. Fields, a native of Los Angeles, California, received his law degree from Harvard Law School, magna cum laude, in 1952.
Wrestling with choices: David Otunga ’06
February 28, 2014
Professional wrestler David Otunga '06 was the keynote speaker at the Harvard Law School Committee on Sports and Entertainment Law’s 2014 symposium, which also include panel discussions with practicing lawyers, a presentation of student awards, and a recognition of Paul C. Weiler, LL.M. ’65, the Henry J. Friendly Professor of Law, Emeritus.
Sumner M. Redstone, one of the nation’s pre-eminent media entrepreneurs and philanthropists, has announced a gift of $10 million to Harvard Law School to endow the Sumner M. Redstone Fellowships in Public Service. The gift from the Sumner M. Redstone Charitable Foundation -- the largest ever made to Harvard Law School in support of public service -- will provide funding for HLS students who wish to work in the public interest after graduation.
One Woman’s Weeds
January 1, 2014
Tama Matsuoka Wong ’83 was a securities lawyer in Hong Kong when her toddler began to suffer from such severe allergies that she was hospitalized. When it became clear that the problem was related to processed foods, Wong and her family returned to the U.S., where they could have better control over what they ate.
Leading Women
January 1, 2014
This fall, more than 600 alumnae from around the country and the world came back to Harvard Law School for “Celebration 60: Leaders for Change—Women Transforming our Communities and the World.” We interview four participants on their experiences effecting change.
Reading the Tea Leaves
January 1, 2014
Shortly after graduating from HLS, David Satterthwaite Wertime ’07 and Rachel Lu ’07 launched Tea Leaf Nation, an e-magazine focusing on Chinese social media. The site had become a go-to destination for Western journalists, academics and decision-makers seeking insights into what average Chinese people are thinking.
Getting Ireland to Come Clean
January 1, 2014
just 24 years old, Maeve O’Rourke LL.M. ’10 went to the United Nations with a bold and unprecedented case against the Irish government. Appearing in Geneva before the Committee Against Torture in 2011, O’Rourke argued that Ireland had allowed the enslavement and forced labor of thousands of women throughout most of the 20th century. What she wanted, she told the committee, was for the government to acknowledge its complicity, to apologize and to pay reparations to the victims.
Goldman Sachs’ CEO at HLS
January 1, 2014
Offering humorous quips and reflecting on his always challenging role as chair and CEO of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein ’78 discussed his company, regulation and the state of the economy, as part of a question-and-answer session with Dean Martha Minow during Reunions Weekend in October.
A Friendship Endures Across Continents and Time
January 1, 2014
Arnold Mytelka ’61 can no longer remember just how he met Amanuel Andemicael LL.M. ’60. But, as Mytelka recalls now, something always stood out about the man who would become his lifelong friend.
Victory Gardener
January 1, 2014
First Lady Michelle Obama ’88 on cultivating a healthier future for children.
A Lawyer for Nothing Less than Freedom
January 1, 2014
In November, Norman Dorsen ’53 delivered the Harvard Law School Association of New Jersey’s 57th Vanderbilt Lecture. The topic was “Seeking Civil Liberties,” and that’s something the former president of the American Civil Liberties Union has done throughout his career.
Joy Covey ’89: 1963-2013
January 1, 2014
The legacy of an unconventional thinker Joy Covey ’89, former CFO of, died in September in a bicycling accident. A lover of the outdoors…
Detlev F. Vagts ’51: 1929-2013
January 1, 2014
An unwavering believer in international law Detlev Frederick Vagts ’51, a renowned international law scholar and an expert on transnational business problems and the laws…
HLS Authors: Selected alumni books
January 1, 2014
Brown uses her own example—after leaving a law partnership upon the birth of her daughter, she is now a professor of business law—and those of many others, from a jewelry designer to a nurse to a rabbi, to show the possibilities for those who are unhappy with the practice of law. Such a change is not easy, but a lawyer’s skills can be reframed and refreshed, she says, adding that she has never met a former lawyer who regrets having left the profession.
Jointly Held Copy
December 6, 2013
Gerald Storch J.D./M.B.A. ’82 was barely into his first semester of law school when he realized that, for him, something was missing. Storch had majored…
In early November, David Shribman, the executive editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, sat down with his attorney, Fritz Byers ’81, before an audience at Harvard…