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  • Roger D. Fisher Fellowships

    June 22, 2022

    Fisher Family Establishes Fellowship Fund at HLS to Honor Roger D. Fisher ’48 Harvard Law School is pleased to announce that the Fisher Family has…

  • Alvin Green LL.B. ’57

    June 22, 2022

    Alvin Green LL.B. ’57 with his three children. Solving Any Problem By Alissa Mallinson When Alvin Green LL.B. ’57 entered the University of Michigan as…

  • Sangu Delle JD/MBA ’16

    June 22, 2022

    Creating the Change He Wants to See By Alissa Mallinson When Sangu Delle JD/MBA ’16 was a young boy growing up in Accra, Ghana, his…

  • Sidney Barthwell Jr. ’90

    June 22, 2022

    Support the legacy of Judge Barthwell with a gift to The Honorable Sidney Barthwell Jr. Scholarship Fund. Inspired by his lifelong friend, James Bailey JD…

  • Cari Dawson ’93

    June 22, 2022

    Grit, Fearlessness, and a Flair for the Creative By Alissa Mallinson Cari Dawson “A lot of people think law is this very staid, confined, operate-within-the-four-corners…

  • Masahisa Ikeda ’93

    June 22, 2022

    Crossing Borders, Bridging Cultures By Alissa Mallinson As most of his classmates at the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law were preparing to begin their…

  • M. Alejandra Parra-Orlandoni ’15

    June 22, 2022

    After the Navy, HLS Alumna Finds Joy in Tech Law By Alissa Mallinson Alejandra Parra-Orlandoni ’15 was 24 years old when she arrived in San…

  • Cameron D. MacDougall ’01

    June 22, 2022

    A Destiny Reimagined By Alissa Mallinson Among other things, Cameron MacDougall ’01 is a measured man. He rises daily at 5am and places a high…

  • James Bass ’34

    June 22, 2022

    The Full Life of a Larger-Than-Life Lawyer By Alissa Mallinson Credit: Bass, Berry & Sims PLC If you’ve been alive for 108 years, you’ve probably…

  • Alumni News and Profiles

    June 22, 2022

  • Harvard Law School Association (HLSA)

    June 22, 2022

    The oldest association of its kind, the Harvard Law School Association (HLSA) serves over 40,000 members worldwide by supporting and sponsoring programming and events, providing a…

  • Traphagen Distinguished Alumni Speaker Series

    June 22, 2022

    The Traphagen Distinguished Alumni Speakers Series was generously founded 25 years ago by the late Ross E. Traphagen Jr. ’49. Its aim is to bring…

  • Alumni Events

    June 22, 2022

    HLS United States Supreme Court Swearing In Ceremony The 2025 HLS Supreme Court of the United States Swearing In Ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, June…

  • Young Alumni

    June 21, 2022

    Reconnect with friends and classmates The HLSA Recent Graduates Network (RGN) provides social activities, intellectual events, and networking opportunities for recent…

  • HLS Amicus

    June 21, 2022

    Amicus is the Harvard Law School directory, community-building platform, and advising network. HLS Amicus makes staying connected with friends and classmates—and forging new relationships across…

  • Sangu Delle with a group of classmates from 2016 graduation

    Networking and Careers

    June 21, 2022

    HLS Amicus HLS Amicus is a community-building tool and online alumni directory that enables you to reconnect with friends and classmates, forge new relationships…

  • Three banners hanging outside between columns on Langdell Hall. Two read Harvard Law School. Middle one reads Veritas and Lex Et Iustitia.

    Contact the Alumni Center

    June 21, 2022

    Need to update your information? Contact Alumni Records at or (617) 495-3114. Office of the Associate Dean Steven Oliveira
    Associate Dean and Dean for Development…