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  • Professor Richard Musgrave

    Richard A. Musgrave, noted economist and pioneer in public finance: 1910-2007

    January 16, 2007

    Professor Emeritus Richard A. Musgrave, a leading 20th century political economist who taught at Harvard University and at Harvard Law School between 1965 and 1981, died January 15 at the age of 96.

  • Professor Charles Fried

    An op-ed by Professor Charles Fried discusses legal representation in America

    January 16, 2007

    The following op-ed was published in The Wall Street Journal on January 16, 2007: Defense Department official Charles Stimson showed ignorance and malice in deploring the pro bono representation of Guantanamo detainees by lawyers in some of the nation's leading law firms, and in calling on their corporate clients to punish them for this work.

  • Juliette Kayyem '95

    Recent HLS grad appointed head of Mass. homeland security department

    January 12, 2007

    Earlier this week, Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick '82 announced the appointment of a fellow Harvard Law graduate, Juliette Kayyem, as the state's undersecretary of homeland defense. Kayyem is a member of the class of 1995, as well as a 1991 graduate of Harvard College.

  • Diane Rosenfeld

    Domestic violence monitoring initiative proposed by Rosenfeld is signed into law

    January 9, 2007

    Domestic abusers who violate their restraining orders will be required to wear a GPS tracking device, according to a new Massachusetts state law spearheaded by HLS lecturer Diane Rosenfeld '96. Signed into law on January 4, the GPS initiative was first presented to the Governor's Commission on Sexual and Domestic Violence by Rosenfeld in early 2005.

  • Professor Lucian Bebchuk on Apple Computer and corporate governance

    January 8, 2007

    The following op-ed was published in The Wall Street Journal on January 6, 2007: Apple Computer announced a week ago the conclusions of a special board committee that examined the "improper dating" of over 6,000 option grants during 1997-2002. The committee found no basis for having less than "complete confidence in CEO Steve Jobs and the senior management team," placing full responsibility for past problems on the company's former CFO and general counsel.

  • Professor Charles Fried

    An op-ed by Professor Charles Fried: The people, not courts, should rule on same-sex marriage

    January 5, 2007

    The following op-ed was published in the Boston Globe on January 5, 2007: Deval Patrick is off to a bad start. If the amendment to prohibit gay marriage ever reaches the people, I shall vote against it. I regret that the Supreme Judicial Court, in its closely divided 2003 decision in the Goodridge case, proclaimed that the state Constitution requires same-sex marriage.

  • Mitt Romney and Deval Patrick

    Mass. governor's office changes hands between HLS grads

    January 4, 2007

    Yesterday Mitt Romney '75 walked out of the Massachusetts governor's office and handed the ceremonial statehouse keys to Governor-elect Deval Patrick '82. Patrick will be sworn in today as the state's 71st governor, making him the latest in a string of Harvard Law grads to occupy the state's corner office.

  • Elena Kagan

    Six from HLS win Skadden public interest fellowships

    January 3, 2007

    Six Harvard Law students and recent graduates have been chosen to receive 2007 Skadden Fellowships that support work in public service. For the fifth year in a row, HLS students and alumni won more Skadden fellowships than affiliates of any other law school. Each year, the program provides funding to 30 law students and new lawyers from law schools across the country.

  • Garret FitzGerald with Professor Bill Alford

    Alford travels to Ireland for speeches on human rights and social policy

    January 2, 2007

    Professor William Alford '77 traveled to Dublin, Ireland in December to deliver two lectures concerning China, U.S., and Europe.

  • Flags

    HLS faculty and graduates help to enact historic UN treaty on rights of disabled

    December 19, 2006

    On December 13, 2006, members of the HLS community and representatives of international disability rights organizations scored a major victory when the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the first human rights treaty of the 21st century to promote and protect the rights of the disabled.

  • Research finds directors’ options were favorably timed

    December 18, 2006

    The HLS Program on Corporate Governance released a new study today called Lucky Directors, by Professor Lucian Bebchuk and co-authors Yaniv Grinsten and Urs Peyer suggesting that outside directors' options, and not only executives' options, have been favorably timed to an extent that cannot be explained by mere luck.

  • Research finds directors’ options were favorably timed

    December 18, 2006

    HLS Professor Lucian Bebchuk LL.M. ’80 S.J.D. ’84 The HLS Program on Corporate Governance released a new study today called Lucky Directors, by Professor Lucian Bebchuk and…

  • United State Constitution

    Professors challenge elimination of habeas review for enemy combatants

    December 15, 2006

    HLS Professor Gerald Neuman '80 has co-written an amicus brief challenging the constitutionality of a new law denying courts jurisdiction to entertain petitions for writs of habeas corpus by alien detainees whom the government has deemed 'enemy combatants.'

  • Professor Charles Fried

    An op-ed by Professor Charles Fried: Getting at the truth

    December 13, 2006

    The following op-ed was published in The Boston Globe on December 13, 2006: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the egregious president of Iran, is hosting a conference this week on whether the Holocaust really happened.

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Professor Adrian Vermeule on security, liberty and the courts

    December 11, 2006

    Adrian Vermeule joined the faculty this year as a professor of law, coming from the University of Chicago Law School. Here, he talks with HLT editor Robb London.

  • Professor Noah Feldman

    Noah Feldman to join Harvard Law faculty

    December 7, 2006

    Constitutional law scholar and well-known author Noah Feldman, currently a tenured professor of law at New York University, has accepted an offer to join the Harvard Law faculty beginning next fall. Feldman is a leading expert in many aspects of constitutional law, particularly law and religion, constitutional design and the history of legal theory.

  • Roger Fisher and Daniel Shapiro

    HLS's Fisher and Shapiro honored for negotiation work

    December 6, 2006

    Professor Emeritus Roger Fisher and lecturer Daniel Shapiro are this year’s recipients of the prestigious Cloke-Millen Award. The prize -- formerly called the "Peacemaker of the Year" award -- honors outstanding professionals working in mediation, negotiation or dispute resolution, and is given out by the Southern California Mediation Association.

  • Alan Dershowitz at his desk

    Comments on President Carter's new book: An op-ed from Alan Dershowitz

    December 4, 2006

    The following op-ed was published in the National Post on December 2, 2006: Sometimes, you really can tell a book by its cover. Jimmy Carter's decision to title his new anti-Israel screed Palestine: Peace Not Aparteid tells it all.

  • Charles Ogletree Jr. '78

    VIDEO: Panel explores legacy of Brown v. Board of Education

    December 1, 2006

    The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute recently hosted a panel discussion entitled, "Is Brown Still Relevant?: The Seattle and Louisville School Cases," reviewing two current cases that challenge the implementation of racial integration in public schools.

  • Professor Morton Horwitz

    Legal historian Morton Horwitz wins honorary fellow award

    November 22, 2006

    In a recent annual meeting of the American Society for Legal History, HLS Professor Morton Horwitz '67 was unanimously confirmed as an honorary fellow, the highest honor the society can give a legal historian in North America.

  • Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95

    Professor Freeman’s new book evaluates market-based environmental regulation

    November 20, 2006

    Since they first appeared on the scene more than 20 years ago, market-based approaches, such as the emission trading system to control acid rain, have become the tools of choice when trying to solve difficult environmental problems.