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Research Programs

Human Rights Program

  • Katherine Glenn ’09, Taguba, and Claret Vargas ’10

    Taguba calls for investigation of Bush Administration at HLS event

    April 23, 2009

    In an April 14 speech at Harvard Law School, Major General Antonio M. Taguba called for an independent commission to investigate the Bush Administration for war crimes. Taguba is the author of the controversial 2004 “Taguba Report” exposing the detainee abuse occurring at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

  • HLS Class: Doctrine and Practice of the Inter-American Human Rights System

    In a major new study, recommendations for reforming the way human rights courts work

    February 2, 2009

    James Cavallaro, clinical professor and executive director of the Human Rights Program, has litigated numerous cases before the Inter-American Court, Latin America’s human rights court.

  • Students participate in historic apartheid litigation

    May 23, 2008

    Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on a case that nearly 20 Harvard Law School Human Rights Program clinical students have worked on over the last three years. The students assisted with the case on behalf of a group of South African apartheid victims, who brought claims against over 50 top multinational corporations for doing buisiness with the apartheid regime.

  • International criminal justice–at home and abroad

    April 23, 2006

    HLS students learn the lessons of Nuremberg in Cambridge, Arusha and The Hague.

  • Tribute: Henry Steiner and Detlev Vagts

    September 1, 2005

    When Henry Steiner '55 and Detlev Vagts '51 published the first edition of "Transnational Legal Problems" in 1968, the collaboration marked a milestone in the field of international law.

  • Gateway to a better world

    April 1, 2005

    Expanded program helps Harvard lawyers advance human rights abroad.

  • Assessing the Universal Declaration

    April 25, 2000

    Professor Mary Ann Glendon and Makau Mutua LL.M. '85 S.J.D. '87 weigh in on this influential half-century-old human rights document (1948), a major topic at the fall celebration of HRP's 15th anniversary.

  • The Human Rights Program at fifteen

    April 25, 2000

    Professor Henry Steiner '55, founder of the program, reflects on the agenda of HRP at Harvard and beyond, and the HLS graduates "battling in the trenches" for the human rights movement worldwide.