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Stephen Breyer gestures to an audience.
Credit: Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer

Listening in on leaders and lawyers

Listen as experts at Harvard Law School discuss, debate, and explain key trends and milestones in United States and international law and legal education. From landmark Supreme Court decisions to federal and state laws to trends in American society, get the latest legal scholarship on many of the most vital issues of the day by tuning into Conversations from Harvard Law School.

You can hear episodes below, or follow Conversations from Harvard Law School on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Conversations from Harvard Law School is a production of the Harvard Law School Office of Communications.

Ep. 1: A Conversation with Retired Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer

Just three months after stepping down from the U.S. Supreme Court, in September 2022, Justice Stephen Breyer joined Harvard Law School Dean John F. Manning to discuss his time on the nation’s highest court, the job that most shaped his career, and why his questions at oral argument were so famously idiosyncratic.

Ep. 2: Leave No Power on the Table

Civil rights leader Sherrilyn Ifill, who served as the seventh president and director-counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, examined the role of race and racism in bringing about what she sees as the current democratic crisis in the United States during a lecture at Harvard Law School in November 2023.

Ep. 3: On Being a Nuisance

A leading expert on torts, Professor John Goldberg explores nuisance law and its implications for what he called “today’s biggest litigation” in torts, a field of law that defines what counts as wrongfully injuring another person. His remarks came in a lecture he delivered at Harvard Law School in March 2023.