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All students participating in Student Practice Organizations (SPOs), clinics, and independent clinicals are required to do an online interactive ethics tutorial.  The ethics training content was developed by a committee of clinicians and is focused on competence/diligence, confidentiality, and conflicts of interest. This training is intended as a baseline introduction to some key ethical duties as you embark on your journey as a student attorney practicing law; it is intended to supplement the ethics training that you receive in your SPOs and clinics.

Students are required to do this training only once.  In the fall, winter, and spring, the Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs (OCP) will contact students who are participating in an SPO, clinic, or independent clinical and haven’t previously completed the training to provide instructions and a link to the tutorial.

In addition, if you are working remotely, you are required to review our page on Professional Responsibility and Remote Work to understand particular issues related to protecting confidentiality in the remote environment.

Questions about this requirement should be directed to OCP at (617) 495-5202.

If you are interested in pro bono work, please contact us if you would like to be enrolled in the online ethics training.