Gap Seen Between Court-Appointed Lawyers and Public Defenders
Adam Liptak reports on a recent study which found that lawyers paid by the hour are less qualified and achieve worse results for their…
Adam Liptak reports on a recent study which found that lawyers paid by the hour are less qualified and achieve worse results for their…
Travis Altman writes in that the rising cost of a law degree is harming grads’ abilities to go into public interest work. “Attorneys…
Slate reports that even two years after Katrina, there is still a shortage of public defenders in New Orleans. What can law firms do help…
Last week’s Supreme Court decision declared that public schools can’t take explicit account of race to achieve integration, but will a colorblindness mandate succeed? New…
Even after graduation, we’d still like to send you news of current public interest opportunities. And of course hear any news from you! To subscribe,…
The Supreme Court backed a principal’s decision to punish a student for unfurling a banner reading “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” off school property but at a school-sponsored event.