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Learn More: Contact OPIA with any questions:

Learn about the Virtual Public Interest Interview Program (V-PIIP)!

Over 120 organizations have signed up to participate in this year's Virtual Public Interest Interview Program (V-PIIP), either through virtual interviewing or resume collection! Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to apply for summer and postgraduate positions with public interest organizations all across the country. Review our resources to help you prepare for the program. We will continue to send you important information and updates throughout the summer, including news on new employer registrations, which extends through August. Please schedule an appointment with an OPIA adviser to help you prepare for the program. Review more employer details through Symplicity CSM

Post-Graduate Career Resources

Congratulations on completing Harvard Law School! OCS and OPIA remain available to you for advice throughout your career. Read about our career resources for alumni. 

Congratulations, 1Ls!

Congratulations on completing your 1L year! Now that you are a rising 2L, be on the lookout for our 2L Weekly Bulletins and check out the 2L Guide to Summer Jobs to help you plan your 2L job search.