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  • HLS Professor Richard J. Lazarus

    Harvard Thinks Green (video)

    January 5, 2012

    The United States is experiencing “an environmental law-making crisis,” said Harvard Law School Professor Richard Lazarus at “Harvard Thinks Green,” an environmental sustainability event held at Harvard in December. The event was co-hosted by Harvard Thinks Big, the Office for Sustainability and the Center for the Environment at Harvard University.

  • In Memoriam – Winter 2012

    January 1, 2012

    1930-1939 Harry Ruderman ’32
    Sept. 3, 2011 (Obituary) James Mack Swigert ’35
    April 15, 2011 (Obituary) Myer B. Barr ’36

  • Ben Ferencz

    The Closer

    January 1, 2012

    On Aug. 25, Benjamin B. Ferencz ’43, who served as a chief prosecutor in the Nuremberg Trials, made the concluding remarks for the prosecution in the International Criminal Court’s first case.

  • Dispatch from Haiti

    January 1, 2012

    In September, Sarah Carlson ’07 and Kobelah Bennah ’08 sent this update: “This past April, we left our Big Law jobs in Manhattan, got married and moved into a tent in Haiti.

  • A Two-Way Street

    January 1, 2012

    The HLS Executive Education Program offers intensive courses, including Leadership in Law Firms, aimed at law firm managing partners and senior firm leaders, and Leadership in Corporate Counsel, aimed at general counsels and chief legal officers.

  • HLS faculty and alumni selected “exemplars of good legal writing” by The Green Bag

    December 22, 2011

    The Green Bag, a quarterly journal devoted to readable, concise, and entertaining legal scholarship, has named a number of current and former Harvard Law School faculty members and alumni to its “Exemplary Legal Writing 2011” list. They will appear in the 2012 Almanac & Reader.

  • Glenn Cohen wearing bright red glasses

    Hat Trick: Cohen on Flynn v. Holder, Guatemalan reparations, and the ACA

    December 22, 2011

    Harvard Law School Assistant Professor of Law I. Glenn Cohen, co-director of HLS’s Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology and Bioethics, is the author of three recently published articles on health law topics.

  • HLS Professor Einer Elhauge '86

    Elhauge in NEJM: ‘Broccoli Argument’ is irrelevant against insurance mandate

    December 22, 2011

    HLS Professor Einer Elhauge ’86, the founding director of the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics, wrote “The Irrelevance of the Broccoli Argument against the Insurance Mandate,” which was published online Dec. 21 by the New England Journal of Medicine.

  • Sullivan appointed to Massachusetts Committee for Public Counsel Services

    December 20, 2011

    HLS Clinical Professor Ron Sullivan ’94, who serves as director of the Harvard Criminal Justice Institute, was recently appointed to the Massachusetts Committee for Public Counsel Services. Sullivan joins Professor Carol Steiker ’86, who is also a member of the committee.

  • Chief Justice Margaret H. Marshall

    Chief Justice Margaret H. Marshall will join HLS faculty

    December 16, 2011

    Margaret H. Marshall, who served over a decade as Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, will join the faculty at Harvard Law School this spring as a senior research fellow and lecturer.

  • Professor David Wilkins '80

    Wilkins in NYTimes’ ‘Room for Debate:’ Keep the method, not the focus

    December 16, 2011

    In today’s NY Times ‘Room for Debate’ online forum, Harvard Law School Professor David Wilkins ’80 writes on the topic of whether or not the Socratic method should still have a role in American legal education today.

  • Lessig - Republic Lost

    Lessig on ‘The Daily Show’

    December 15, 2011

    HLS Professor Lawrence Lessig was a guest on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” on Dec. 13.

  • Coates testifies on Investor Risks

    Coates testifies on investor risks in capital raising

    December 13, 2011

    On Wednesday, Dec. 14, Harvard Law School Professor John Coates testified before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance and Investment at an open-session hearing titled “Examining Investor Risks in Capital Raising.” 

  • Metropolitan Area Planning Council’s ‘State of Equity’ report to be released at HLS

    December 13, 2011

    The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) has released a summary of “The State of Equity in Metro Boston,” a report studying the ways that inequity affects the residents of greater Boston. The full report was released on Tuesday, Dec. 13 at an event co-hosted by Harvard Law School’s Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice.

  • Professors John Palfrey ’01 and Jonathan Zittrain ‘95

    Zittrain and Palfrey in Science Magazine: Better data for a better Internet

    December 13, 2011

    In a recent paper published in the December issue of Science magazine, Harvard Law School Professors Jonathan Zittrain ‘95 and John Palfrey ’01 examine how better forms of measurement of the Internet and the Web can inform Internet policy and regulations.

  • Bill Frelick

    Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program sponsors talk on EU migration controls

    December 12, 2011

    Bill Frelick, director of the refugee program at Human Rights Watch, spoke at Harvard Law School at the end of October on European Union migration controls and access to asylum, at an event sponsored by the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program.

  • Wasserstein Hall

    A new building for teaching, learning and serving communities

    December 9, 2011

    Because legal education demands constant and rigorous discussion and exchange, because legal imagination springs from bridging theory and practice, and because Harvard Law School recruits and develops superb students from all over the world to pursue lives of leadership, the School commissioned—and will soon open—a new space designed precisely for these purposes.

  • Harvard Law School Building

    Six from Harvard Law School win Skadden Fellowships

    December 9, 2011

    Six Harvard Law School students and recent graduates have been chosen to receive Skadden Fellowships to support their work in public service.

  • Students address critical access to care issues at conference on AIDS

    December 8, 2011

    Students working in the Harvard Law School Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation launched a new training series at the United States Conference on AIDS in Chicago last month.

  • Authors and Auteurs: Books and movies by HLS alumni

    December 6, 2011

    “War Don Don” by Rebecca Richman Cohen ’07. Winner of the Special Jury Award at the South by Southwest Film Festival, this film explores the…

  • Exceptional Derivatives

    December 6, 2011

    Although the sweeping financial reform package that President Obama ’91 signed into law in July contained hundreds of provisions in its 848-page final version, Professor Mark Roe ’75 says it’s still not long enough.