Latest from Brett Milano
Cardin at HLS: Russia poses bigger threat to global security than ISIS, China, North Korea
March 6, 2017
When Sen. Ben Cardin (D.-MD.) spoke on foreign affairs at Harvard Law School this week, he began by identifying the greatest threat to global security in the world today: Russia, and, by extension, President Donald Trump’s cozy relationship with that country.
To understand Trump, learn from his voters
February 28, 2017
During a recent lecture hosted by the Harvard Law School Forum called “Why Trump? What Now?”, Harvard Professor Michael Sandel took a hard look at Donald Trump’s emerging presidency and the social and economic discontent that put him in office.
Diversity and U.S. Legal History
December 7, 2016
During the fall 2016 semester, a group of leading scholars came together at Harvard Law School for the lecture series, "Diversity and US Legal History," which was sponsored by Dean Martha Minow and organized by Professor Mark Tushnet, who also designed a reading group to complement the lectures.