Alumni Spotlight: Making an Impact in the Education Space
September 16, 2016
After working as a teacher, Nicole Dooley (HLS/HKS ’09) enrolled in a joint J.D./M.P.P. with the knowledge that she eventually wanted to effect change in…
Alumni Spotlight: A Non-Traditional Role for a Federal Government Attorney
September 15, 2016
Adam Neufeld was set on being a doctor until a pre-law class in his junior year of college piqued his interest in law and policy. He had always seen himself doing mission driven work and so, following a year working on public health research, set out for HLS with public interest work in mind.
View Your PIIP Interview Schedule; Drop Period Is Now Open!
August 25, 2016
You may now view your PIIP interview schedule in Symplicity CSM. The PIIP interview drop period is also open and closes at noon on August 26th.
Read more to see the list of employers who will be interviewing 3Ls through the Add Period!
Andrew Chan (HLS, 2013) had an eye set toward working at the US Attorney’s Office even before law school.
Sean Hill (HLS, 2012) attributes his journey to Youth Represent to three factors: his upbringing, a life-changing elective his 1L year, and clinical experience at HLS.
Pulling back the curtain
August 12, 2016
A law review article by Professor Richard Lazarus ’79 on the inner workings of the Supreme Court leads to a change in how it does business.
Criminal defendants sometimes ‘left behind’ at Supreme Court
August 12, 2016
New study by Assistant Professor Andrew Crespo ’08 finds criminal defendants are almost never represented by expert counsel before SCOTUS.
Food recovery entrepreneurs, farmers, business persons, academics, government officials and others converged at Harvard Law School for two days of learning, strategizing, and networking to address the problem of food waste.
Tim Kaine’s days at HLS
August 2, 2016
The Boston Globe writes about Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Tim Kaine's days at Harvard Law School.
Lawyering in moments of crisis
July 18, 2016
Recent events highlighting anti-Black state violence and police brutality around the nation spark the question: what can lawyers do in these moments of crisis?
Alumni becomes Interim Counsel for NYC Mayor
July 15, 2016
Politico features HLS alumnus, Brittny Saunders '03, who will serve as interim counsel for MYC Mayor Bill de Blasio following the departure of Maya Wiley.
The Importance of Legal Aid
July 6, 2016
"What the Poor Really Need is Legal Aid" by Susan Beck discusses the need for Big Law to support legal aid services.
The 2L Job Search: Getting Started
June 21, 2016
We know it may seem early to start thinking about next summer, but the application process begins, for many students, in the late summer/early fall, and we want to make sure you are well prepared.
Kerri Sherlock Talbot (HLS, 2002) knew she wanted to focus on immigration work when she came to HLS, but wasn’t quite sure how a post-HLS career would look like in the field.
Jill Tauber (HLS, 2005) never expected to be an environmental attorney. While she was committed to doing public interest work in her career, she started off focused on civil rights and had been working already on establishing a background around housing issues. It was her experience through Hurricane Katrina that deepened her curiosity about climate justice and led her down the path she is currently going down as an attorney with Earthjustice.
Becoming a human rights attorney takes risk, tenacity, and also some luck. Regina Fitzpatrick (HLS, 2008) had a little bit of everything to help launch her into the human rights field.
Jacquelyn Greene has spent her much of her career focused on youth and child advocacy, but in different public interest practice areas. Students may often wonder (and wrestle) with the decision of doing direct legal work vs. doing policy work. Jacquelyn's career has taken her through both arenas. Read about Jacquelyn's career path and how it's often important to focus on your passion to help you figure out your next steps.
Source of Support Form
March 21, 2016
If you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, you must submit the online LL.M. Visa Request and Source of Support Form (the “Source of Support Form”) with all required documentation as soon as possible after you accept your admission offer and in any event by no later than May 31, 2021.
Lee Strock (HLS, 2009) made the transition from the private sector to the public sector in 2012 when he made the jump to become the Director for the Peter Cicchinio Youth Project at the Urban Justice Center. The jump wasn't easy, but with deliberate action at various stages of his career, and maintaining (and building) of his network, Lee was able to make the transition into a position he felt deeply committed to.
Tip from Students – Medical
March 10, 2016
While the Student Health Insurance Plan portion of your insurance will cover one routine eye exam for purposes of an eyeglass prescription, further exams and…