To give you additional time to consider your options in this challenging environment, we have decided to extend the date for responding to our admission…
Update – Change of Date on which Room Selection Windows will be Emailed to Incoming LL.M. Students
March 30, 2020
The date on which applicants for HLS housing will be emailed their room selection windows has been changed from Friday, May 1 to Thursday, April…
COVID-19 and Admissions
March 25, 2020
I hope this blog post finds you well. This has been a difficult time for all of us. Please know that I am sending you…
Junior Deferral Program Updates
March 18, 2020
One thing I have learned in over half a decade working in higher education: our schools, our classes, and our communities are not separate from or immune to what goes on in the wider world.
Tip from Students – Getting Started
March 17, 2020
The standard of spoken English varies widely among LL.M.s. Most LL.M.s come from non-English speaking countries, so they will be very accepting of your English…
An Update from Austin Hall
March 13, 2020
Many of you may have heard about some of the precautionary measures that Harvard Law School has implemented to keep our community healthy during the coronavirus outbreak. Most notably, classes have moved to online instruction, and many students, faculty, and staff will be working remotely after Spring Break.
Cancelled – Alumni New York City Public Interest Reception
March 12, 2020
Unfortunately, given the uncertainty surrounding Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and consistent with Harvard University's policies regarding travel and gatherings, we will be cancelling our Public Interest Reception in NYC on March 19.
Mock Trial at HLS
February 26, 2020
One of the numerous student groups here at Harvard Law School is Mock Trial. We recently sat down with co-presidents of the HLS Mock Trial team Tiffany Li ’21 and Nick Beachy ’21 to ask some questions and learn more about this unique organization.
CM = Committee Member
February 13, 2020
Once upon a time, applicants began referring to my predecessor Jessica Soban as JS. The trend stuck, and everyone on our team began referring to each other by our initials. PG, CP, RV, KJ – you hear it all on the second floor of Austin Hall.
Pursuing a JD/MPP Joint Degree
February 3, 2020
I believe the learning and perspective I gained from participating in both programs made my time at Harvard significantly more fruitful. Without HKS, I do not think I would have gotten the deep dive into international relations that I was looking for, and without HLS, I wouldn’t be a lawyer who plans to (at least for now) tackle complex international problems in international courts of arbitration.
Is January our favorite month?
January 30, 2020
Hot take: January is our favorite month here at HLS.
Coming to HLS with a Ph.D.
January 21, 2020
There are many paths to law school. Increasingly, people choose to take a year or two off before pursuing their law degree. Many choose to use those years to gain work experience in banking or consulting, others work for non-profits or in public service roles,… and some spend six years earning a Ph.D. in the humanities.
Congratulations to Our December Admits!
December 16, 2019
You are a truly impressive group. It has been such a pleasure getting to know you on paper and via video chat over these past weeks, and we’re looking forward to corresponding more directly over the coming months as you prepare to join us here at Harvard Law School.
Our Application Reading Routines
December 10, 2019
It’s December and here in the J.D. Admissions Office that means it’s Application Reading Season. Thanks to the rolling admissions timeline, we will be receiving…
Where to Live: Proctoring and Tutoring
November 25, 2019
Last week, you learned about the HLS dorms. This week, we’re featuring a unique housing opportunity at HLS: serving as a residential advisor for undergraduate students at Harvard College. All residential advisors at Harvard College are graduate students, known as “proctors” for first-year students and “tutors” in the twelve undergraduate Houses (where sophomores, juniors, and seniors live).
Where to Live: The Resident Halls
November 20, 2019
Over the coming weeks, we’re going to feature some of the places you can live while you are at Harvard Law School. First up: the on-campus dorms. HLS dorm options include Hastings Hall (one- and two-bedrooms), North Hall (singles), the HLS Apartments houses, or the Gropius Complex (singles).
Planes, Trains, Automobiles, and Awesome Prospective Students
November 12, 2019
Travel season is coming to a close, and we are all experiencing mixed emotions in the J.D. Admissions Office.
Stepping Stones: How to Make Your Summers Work for You
November 7, 2019
Listen to fellow students discuss how to structure your summers in order to make the most of your time here at HLS and set the stage for success in your career. Whether you are focused on public sector careers, private sector careers, are uncertain, or hope to work in both sectors, this program can help you plan your next two summers.
HLLDS Reflections: Visiting Utah and Finding Community at HLS
November 6, 2019
Current students Reiley and Katie traveled to Utah last month to meet with students at Brigham Young University and the University of Utah. Read about their trip, and their reflections on supporting Latter-day Saint women aspiring to Harvard Law School.
How is My Interviewer Selected?
November 1, 2019
Admissions Assistant Alessandra Luedeking takes you behind the scenes of the interview assignment process.
Acing Your Interview
October 31, 2019
So you received an invitation to interview with a member of our Harvard Law School Admissions Committee! Read on to hear how that very Committee suggests you prepare for our meeting.