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All Areas of Interest

Harvard Law School scholars are at the forefront of studying and teaching about antitrust law and the regulation of business in the United States and across the globe. Issues include mergers, price fixing and other horizontal agreements in restraint of trade, monopolization and abuses of dominance, and other subjects of competition policy.

From Harvard Law Today


HLS Professors

Visiting Professors & Lecturers


Government Lawyer: Semester in Washington Clinic

Students spend the entire Spring Term in Washington, D.C. working as legal interns in a variety of federal offices while taking an evening course on…

Sports Law Clinic

Sports Law clinical placements are in a variety of settings, including legal departments of major leagues or sports franchises, and with law firms and lawyers…

Research Programs and Centers

Related Courses

Course Term Instructor(s)
Antitrust and Intellectual Property Fall 2024 Seminar Mark Popofsky
Antitrust Law & Economics – Global Spring 2025 Course Einer Elhauge
Business Strategy for Lawyers Fall 2024 Course Kathryn Spier
Sports and the Law: Examining the Legal History and Evolution of America’s Three “Major League” Sports: MLB, NFL and NBA Fall 2024 Course Peter Carfagna
Sports and the Law: Representing the Professional Athlete Winter 2025 Course Peter Carfagna
Sports Law Clinic Winter 2025 Clinic Peter Carfagna
Sports Law Clinic Spring 2025 Clinic Peter Carfagna
Sports Law: Advanced Contract Drafting Fall 2024 Course Peter Carfagna
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