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Mediation & Negotiation

  • Dean Martha Minow wearing blue gown and smiling with another man wearing a silver and red gown

    Dean Minow urges graduates to work together to change the world

    May 26, 2016

    On May 26, 2016, on Holmes Field, Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow congratulated the graduates, telling them, “You have made the law yours and the world will be better for it.”

  • HLS Clinical students

    Meeting at Cops’ Corner

    May 10, 2016

    In just one decade, Everett, Massachusetts, once a predominantly white city, has become the most racially and ethnically diverse in the commonwealth. Building communication between police officers and local youth is a priority for Chief of the Everett Police Department Steven A. Mazzie, who is white, as are 86 percent of his officers. Last fall he invited a team of HLS students from the Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program to Everett for an impartial assessment.

  • Black and white photo of President Kennedy shaking hands with James B. Donovan

    A Starring Role

    May 10, 2016

    In last year’s Academy Award-nominated film “Bridge of Spies,” Tom Hanks plays a lawyer who defends an accused Soviet spy in the U.S. The Hanks character appears to be dumbfounded that he has been asked to take on such an assignment. “I’m an insurance lawyer,” he says. The real lawyer whom Hanks portrays, James B. Donovan ’40, was that—and much more.

  • The Promise of Peace: Negotiation Workshop hosts Ambassador Wendy Sherman

    May 6, 2016

    When Wendy Sherman, former under secretary of state for political affairs, was in the midst of negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program, she often felt that her team was playing “several games of multidimensional chess at the same time.” On April 20, Sherman delivered a guest lecture to the Harvard Law School Negotiation Workshop.

  • HLS faculty maintain top position in SSRN citation rankings

    Program on International Financial Systems launches global certificate program for regulators of securities markets

    May 2, 2016

    The Program on International Financial Systems (PIFS) at Harvard Law School and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) recently launched a joint Global Certificate Program for Regulators of Securities Markets.

  • Mark Wu promoted to professor of law

    World Trade Organization, front and center: A Q&A with Professor Mark Wu

    April 27, 2016

    Mark Wu ’96, an assistant professor at HLS who specializes in international economics and trade law, and lead organizer of the decennial academic conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO), spoke with the Harvard Gazette about the most pressing issues affecting trade and the WTO, and how he sees the future of trade policy.

  • James B Donovan shaking the hand of John F. Kennedy

    Star Negotiator: Law School event highlights James B. Donovan, alum at center of Cold War drama

    March 30, 2016

    How can you defend a foreigner who came to the United States with the likely intent of causing harm to Americans? For attorney James B. Donovan, a 1940 graduate of Harvard Law School, the real question at the height of the Cold War was: How can you not?

  • Mnookin to receive ABA Outstanding Scholarly Work Award

    March 18, 2016

    Harvard Law Professor Robert Mnookin ’68 will receive the 2016 Award for Outstanding Scholarly Work from the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution. The award honors individuals whose scholarship has contributed significantly to the field of dispute resolution.

  • Transforming unions: A view from labor leader Lee Saunders

    February 24, 2016

    In a recent talk at Harvard Law School, labor leader Lee Saunders, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employers (AFSCME), delivered remarks on the current state of unions and the need for them to adapt to face contemporary challenges.

  • Love in the crosshairs

    February 12, 2016

    With Valentine’s Day near, experts in negotiation, mediation, and lasting marriage shared that advice to a rapt audience at a panel called “Negotiating Love: Interpersonal Negotiation and Romantic Relationships,” held at Harvard Law School (HLS).

  • Students on stage, performing

    Harvard Law School: 2015 in review

    December 17, 2015

    Supreme Court justices, performance art, student protests and a vice president. A look back at 2015, highlights of the people who visited, events that took place and everyday life at Harvard Law School.

  • An inside view from Powell, complete with regrets

    November 5, 2015

    In a visit to Harvard Law School, retired four-star general and former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell shared lessons from his service as a close adviser to three presidents, tips on negotiating with difficult foreign leaders, and his thoughts on strengthening support for families and children in the United States.

  • Yas Banifatemi

    Tenacity Rewarded

    October 5, 2015

    The Yukos case—with its largest-ever arbitration award—was the culmination of Yas Banifatemi's career in international arbitration, which took root at Harvard.

  • Closing argument: Lor Sok LL.M. ’15, making an impact at home

    May 22, 2015

    As he prepares to finish his LL.M. year at Harvard Law, Lor Sok recalls all the benefits the experience has provided him. But the real test of the experience, he says, is what it will mean for Cambodia, his homeland.

  • Nagin_Daniel

    Daniel Nagin appointed Vice Dean for Experiential and Clinical Education

    May 22, 2015

    Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow has appointed Clinical Professor Daniel Nagin as Vice Dean for Experiential and Clinical Education. In that role, Nagin will help to further expand the Law School’s extensive offerings in the area of experience-based learning, and he will work to develop new initiatives drawing upon the school’s wide array of clinics, student practice organizations, and other opportunities for learning through hands-on experience.

  • New publication examines different approaches to assisting victims of armed conflict

    May 13, 2015

    Acknowledge, Amend, Assist: Addressing Civilian Harm Caused by Armed Conflict and Armed Violence, a 28-page report released this week by Harvard Law School’s Human Rights Program and Action on Armed Violence (AOAV), seeks to advance understanding and promote collaboration among leaders in the field.

  • Jiayun Ho and Seanan Fong

    Spring double-header for the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program

    May 7, 2015

    The Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program (HNMCP) at Harvard Law School is making news for work it has done to promote civil discourse in town government and to help police mediate civilian complaints.

  • ‘Voices of Syria:’ Unique survey offers an inside look at a worn-torn country and its people

    April 10, 2015

    Vera Mironova, a graduate research fellow at Harvard Law School’s Program on Negotiation, was one of the lead authors of the “Voices of Syria” project, which covered topics such as current living situations, safety concerns, the future role of religion — among other key issues in Syria’s government. Mironova, a fifth-year year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Maryland, oversaw and coordinated the operation on the ground. Her goal: to capture the civil war in its most raw form.

  • At Harvard, Madeline Albright discusses the power of personal relationships

    April 8, 2015

    The value of a clear understanding of your country’s objectives and the power of personal relationships — along with the wisdom of not drinking too much lemonade — were among the insights former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright shared with an audience at Harvard Law School's on April 2.

  • Henry Kissinger speaking at the event

    At HLS, former secretary of state Kissinger reflects on career, surveys current affairs

    November 13, 2014

    Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger visited the Harvard Law School campus last week to share some of the lessons learned as adviser to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

  • Professor James K. Sebenius and Ambassador Tommy Koh

    Koh receives 2014 Great Negotiator Award (video)

    May 13, 2014

    Ambassador Tommy Koh LL.M. ’64 of Singapore was recently presented with the 2014 Great Negotiator Award by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and the Harvard Kennedy School’s Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.