This summer, 19 Chayes International Public Service Fellows are working abroad with governmental or non-governmental organizations concerned with issues of an international scope or relevant to countries in transition. As we approached midsummer, several Chayes Fellows offered updates on their projects.
Hussain Awan ’25
International IDEA, Tunisia

Hussain Awan ’25 (right) is working for International IDEA in Tunisia, researching, for use in Yemen, the ways in which Libya, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan built local governments after a period of conflict.
Roshni Chakraborty ’25
TRIAL International, Bosnia and Herzegovina

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, at her placement with TRIAL International, Roshni Chakraborty ’25 has been researching solutions to eliminate court fees for victims of war crimes and investigating how to hold Serbian officials responsible for war crimes believed to have been committed in Bosnia.
Sagnik Das
International Criminal Court, The Hague, Netherlands

S.J.D. candidate Sagnik Das is in The Hague, The Netherlands, assisting judges at the International Criminal Court in preparing the final judgments in a case arising from the conflict in Mali in 2012-2013.
Izza Drury ’24 and Giovanna Garcia ’25
Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid, Lesvos, Greece

Izza Drury ’24 (left) and Giovanna Garcia ’25 are working at Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid on the Greek island of Lesvos. Drury is drafting a substantive complaint against Greece to the Committee against Torture, and Garcia has engaged with other NGOs to address food issues for people in a refugee camp on the island and drafted a submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants.
Jacqulyn Kantack ’24
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, Geneva, Switzerland

During her summer in Switzerland with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, Jacqulyn Kantack ’24 has prepared a background paper on emerging issues for the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, and briefed Argentina’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations on her findings.
Brandon Martinez ’25
Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Mexico

At the Centro de los Derechos del Migrante in Mexico, Brandon Martinez ’25 has been helping migrant workers enroll in a new federal deferred action program that delays immigration enforcement for people who report labor violations. He has also undertaken litigation-related research on employment discrimination.
Laura Saliy ’25
United Nations World Food Programme, Italy

At the United Nations World Food Programme in Italy, Laura Saliy ’25 has been corresponding with regional UN offices to assess circumstances and drafting agreements to provide tailored food assistance to countries in need. She is also drafting memos to the executive director, advising on the potential consequences of contemplated administrative actions based on precedent and UN conventions.
Sabrina Zhang ’25
Luke Haubenstock ’25
International Commission of Jurists, Belgium; European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, United Kingdom

At the International Commission of Jurists, in Belgium, Sabrina Zhang ’25 has been examining new laws and policies in several countries that threaten the independence of their judiciary and legal systems, and possible remedies. Luke Haubenstock ’25, who visited her in Brussels, is spending the summer in the United Kingdom, researching U.S. and international climate disclosure rules and insolvency law reform for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
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