“After practicing law for 50 years,” Allan Berland ’63 writes, “I decided to retire in 2014 and devote my time to my love of jazz. At first, I wanted to open a cellar jazz nightclub, à la Village Vanguard, in the North Beach section of San Francisco. My wife dissuaded me from such an arduous undertaking at my age. I then discovered a radio station that invited the creation of jazz radio shows. That intrigued me, so I made a proposal for a program about the classic jazz of the 1950s and ’60s. It was accepted. During the next five years, I did research, curated the music, and produced 40 one-hour programs. The show, called ‘The Jazz Lounge,’ started broadcasting just before I turned 80. Since not all of our listeners are knowledgeable about this art form, I endeavor to explain the music and the musician. I’ve now produced 50 shows and continue to produce new ones. They can be heard on the internet at radiosausalito.org on Friday nights, repeated on Mondays, 8-9 p.m., PST, until 2/21/22. I am looking for a new radio station for the show. Any ideas? Write to jazzlounge@earthlink.net