“Comparative Capital Punishment,” edited by Carol S. Steiker ’86 and Jordan M. Steiker ’88 (Elgar)

In this volume, scholars and lawyers from around the world explore common themes that have led to the rejection of the death penalty in many countries after it had been normal practice for most of human history. In addition to serving as co-editors, HLS Professor Carol Steiker and her brother, Jordan Steiker, a professor at the University of Texas School of Law, contribute an essay about the movement to abolish capital punishment globally. The total abolition of capital punishment may not occur soon, they write, due to factors such as the influence of Islam and American exceptionalism.
“Disability, Health, Law and Bioethics,” edited by I. Glenn Cohen ’03, Carmel Shachar ’10, Anita Silvers and Michael Ashley Stein ’88 (Cambridge University Press)

According to the editors, whether disability is viewed as “mere difference” that is neutral or “bad difference” that is negative, can affect legal and policy treatment. Contributors to the volume examine issues surrounding disability such as stigma, discrimination in organ donation, equitable health care, sexuality and immigration. The book highlights the diversity and realities of disability, and considers the obligations of the legal and health care systems to people with disabilities. Cohen is an HLS professor and faculty director of the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics; Shachar is executive director of the center; and Stein is executive director of the Harvard Law School Project on Disability and a visiting professor at HLS.
“Human Rights in a Time of Populism: Challenges and Responses,” edited by Gerald L. Neuman ’80 (Cambridge University Press)

Based on a conference convened in March 2018 by the Human Rights Program at Harvard Law School, which HLS Professor Gerald Neuman co-directs, the volume examines the relationship between populism and human rights, particularly in the aftermath of the recent elections of populist leaders worldwide. Chapters cover topics such as populist threats to the human rights system and strategies that human rights institutions can adopt to address them. The book also focuses on countries and regions such as Poland, Turkey, Asia, and Latin America. Neuman notes that the title of the volume refers to a “time” rather than “age” of populism because he does not expect the current wave to last for an extended period.