The Class of 2000—552 J.D.’s, 135 LL.M.’s, and 11 S.J.D.’s—received diplomas and 34 International Tax Program students received certificates at HLS Commencement ceremonies on June 8.
On Class Day June 7 in the afternoon program, class members offered remembrances of Professors Gary Bellow ’60, Abram Chayes ’49, and James Vorenberg ’51, who died in the spring. This year’s class awarded the Sacks-Freund Teaching Award to Professor Richard Fallon, Jr., in recognition of his “commitment to excellence and demonstrated interest in the quality of the student experience.” Class Day speaker Tim Russert, senior vice president and Washington bureau chief, NBC News and moderator of Meet the Press, ended the afternoon with this advice to graduates: “If you hear anything, hear this—it is people, not degrees, who defend, protect and help those in need.”

Commencement Awards
Addison Brown Prize
Best essay on a designated subject of maritime or private international law
Jek Sok Disa Sim
Ioanna Thoma
Fay Diploma
Highest combined average for three years
Brian Fitzpatrick
Edith W. Fine Fellowship
Fellowship for demonstrating extraordinary leadership and commitment to public service work
Sophie Bryan
Heyman Public Interest Fellowships
Fellowship for graduates entering Federal government service
Jodie Dalton
Alice Feng
Darin Johnson
Christine Lee
Irving R. Kaufman Public Service Fellowships
One- to two-year fellowships for individuals demonstrating exceptional promise for careers in public interest
Sophie Bryan
Craig Buckser ’97
Arienne Callender ’99
Roger Fairfax ’98
Holly Handler ’99
Sarah Harrington ’99
Catherine Horner ’99
Darin Johnson
Kate Jones ’99
Lisa Kavanaugh
Peter Keith ’99
Arthur Kim
Nicholas Lundgren
Betsy Miller ’99
Erin Murphy ’99
Alexander Rabb
Marc Steinberg’99
Kimberly Thomas ’99
Jason Waanders ’98
James Walsh ’99
Michael Zamore ’99
Marilia Zellner-Sawyer
Laylin Prize
Best paper on public international law
Thomas Lee
George Leisure Award
Best oralist in the final round of the Ames Moot Court Competition
William McSwain
Mancini Prize
Best essay on law of the European Union
Norbert Weinrichter
Irving Oberman Memorial Award
Best essay on mass torts or complex litigation
Leonid Feller
John M. Olin Law and Economics Prize
Best paper on law and economics
Jeffrey Hill
James Spindler
Boykin C. Wright Memorial Fund Prizes
Awarded to Ames Final competitors
Debi Cornwall
Daniel David
Andrew Ehrlich
Rebecca Gelfond
Kathleen Hartnett
Rachel Jones
Preethi Krishnamurthy
Michael Liftik
Brendan Maher
William McSwain
Elizabeth Rogers
Peter Stris
Yong K. Kim ’95 Memorial Prize
Best paper on East Asian law or legal history, or issues of law related to U.S.-East Asian relations
Kenneth Chase
Chaihark Hahm (1999)
Dane Peacock